Liberal exploit a tragedy for political reasons
As might be expected, leftwing pro-criminal agitators in Jacksonville are taking advantage of the Memphis
As might be expected, leftwing pro-criminal agitators in Jacksonville are taking advantage of the Memphis
The perennial argument about the size of the police force has come up again. This
Council Member Michael Boylan’s abrupt departure from a council assignment that serves no constructive purpose
ATTENTION: I AM BLACK; Therefore, I cannot be categorized, and dismissed as a racist against
With most of the local media fully invested in aiding and abetting Democrat attempts to
If you want to get your mug on TV, the easiest way is to “protest.”
Social justice warriors on the City Council are reviving a bid to further handcuff the
It wasn’t a quiet Sunday night on this first Sunday of 2021. Our hopes of
In what can only be viewed as a snub to law and order, the principal
Channel 4 is at it again. Having already embraced the concept of police brutality, the
U.S. Rep. John Rutherford does not agree that systemic racism exists either in the police
It is incredible that people who hate America have been able to make a cause
While Jacksonville residents are watching TV and retiring for the night there is a lot
Criminals continue to conduct violence, as they always have and always will. Jacksonville is employing
Parents in Jacksonville public schools might be disturbed by data from the state Department of
Eye on Jacksonville has gotten a response, two months after submitting questions to the Jacksonville