This is what is coming to America
Dallas County, TX District Attorney will not prosecute certain crimes.
This includes low level drug crimes, probation violations and thief of items under $750 if for personal use.
He says he is ending the criminalization of poverty.
He ran for office as a Democrat who wanted to work for justice reform.
The Democrats have been very successful in removing God and morals out of our society and the next step is to usher in anarchy. Not just an open door to anarchy but one with a flashing neon light saying enter here.
We need mental health services for homeless and others, we need real criminal justice reform, but we don’t need to abandon the rule of law.
By the way, who is he to decide which laws are not just. I thought the people decided that through the legislature.
Don’t vote for Democrats. Anyone who continues to identify with the Democrat Party is not for America.
Watch this 3-minute CBS news video: https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2019/04/11/dallas-county-district-attorney-john-creuzot-low-level-crimes/

He has been involved in sales his entire life. He also has been involved as a volunteer in every election cycle since 1972 when he worked on Ander Crenshaw’s first run for the State Legislature. He served as Chairman of the Duval County Republican Party between 2012 – 2014. He has been married to the former Mary Luker for 42 years. They have 2 grown children and one wonderful granddaughter! Rick has always had a strong interest in local government. He served as a Waterways Commissioner for 2 years.