Two businessmen have two simple fixes to revive downtown
Toney Sleiman and John Arwood were both born and raised in Jacksonville. They love Jacksonville
Toney Sleiman and John Arwood were both born and raised in Jacksonville. They love Jacksonville
President Biden just rolled out a brand new initiative and it’s called the American Climate
In a recent episode of “The Daily Signal Podcast,” host Samantha Aschieris welcomed Congressman Aaron
I met with a non-profit CEO yesterday to see how we might help her organization.
Yesterday in Orlando, the Republican Party of Florida made a bold move and removed the
For those new to politics – might I give you one piece of information that
In the wake of the devastating Maui fires and the Category 3 Hurricane Idalia’s landfall
Constitution Day is celebrated on September 17th each year to honor and commemorate the signing
Eye was sent this video from a concerned reader. We were glued to the entire
Jimmy Buffett passed away Friday, September 1st surrounded by his family, friends, music and dogs.
Jacksonville is proud of Sheriff T. K. Waters for the way he handled the active
The shooting of 3 innocent black people by a young white man is the headline
National Dog Day is a holiday celebrated on August 26th each year in the United
I am a Republican and today I announce my displeasure and disdain over the party
Former Jacksonville mayoral candidate, Leanna Cumber, has been appointed to the Citizens Property Insurance Corporation
High school Friday night football started last night in Jacksonville. We all remember some of