The hits keep coming

While other states In the U.S. are falling in line with the dictates of a global cabal trying to move the world toward communism, Florida’s government is standing firm.

“We reject a global elite trying to force their ideology on us by capturing major institutions,” Gov. Ron DeSantis said. “We are not going to allow big banks to discriminate based on someone’s political or religious beliefs, and we will continue to fight back against indoctrination in education and the workplace.”

DeSantis made the comment as he signed several important bills enacted by the Florida Legislature recently.

The new protections cover:

  • Consumers, by providing recourse for individuals who believe they have been de-banked for political reasons;
  • Teachers, by ensuring they are not subjected to trainings that teach an ideology of hate, but instead focus on achieving mastery of academic content; and
  • Employees, by taking steps to prevent ideological discrimination or harassment in the workplace.

One bill Increases protection for customers of financial institutions from unwarranted account cancellations and restrictions through a coordinated complaint and investigatory process and also removes Florida’s exclusive preference of holding public funds with banks, particularly with out-of-state big banks. It will allow community-based credit unions to hold public funds.

Another prohibits teacher preparation programs from indoctrinating prospective teachers by teaching distorted versions of significant historical events; and prevents the infusion of poisonous identity politics in teaching methods and prohibits instructing that theories such as systemic racism, sexism, oppression and privilege are inherent in American institutions.

This is another setback for the Far Left, which seeks to use Critical Race Theory and other race-based fictions to divide the American people and tilt election outcomes.

DeSantis is also working with the Attorney General’s Office to stop ideological discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Companies do not have a right to create a hostile work environment by forcing an employee to sit through trainings that tell that employees they are inherently racist or sexist.

Communism, socialism, fascism and other variants of totalitarian government are taking root in various places around the world. But in the free state of Florida resistance remains strong despite the constant chattering of the fake news media.

Lloyd Brown

Lloyd was born in Jacksonville. Graduated from the University of North Florida. He spent nearly 50 years of his life in the newspaper business …beginning as a copy boy and retiring as editorial page editor for Florida Times Union. He has also been published in a number of national newspapers and magazines, as well as Internet sites. Married with children. Military Vet. Retired. Man of few words but the words are researched well, deeply considered and thoughtfully written.


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