Day: May 8, 2024

  • The hits keep coming

    The hits keep coming

    While other states In the U.S. are falling in line with the dictates of a global cabal trying to move the world toward communism, Florida’s government is standing firm. “We reject a global elite trying to force their ideology on us by capturing major institutions,” Gov. Ron DeSantis said. “We are not going to allow big banks…

  • More pandering to special groups

    More pandering to special groups

    Citing a recent murder case in the city as its basis, a proposed ordinance in City Council would increase penalties for thought crime. Liberals already have “enhanced” the penalty for murder, which currently is death. But just what constitutes an “enhancement” – being drawn and quartered before being killed? The proposed ordinance would add to…

  • Mayor Deegan is trying to make it easier to do business here.  Good!

    Mayor Deegan is trying to make it easier to do business here.  Good!

    One of Mayor Deegan’s promises was she was going to make it easier to do business in Jacksonville.  Our former mayor and his consultants who surrounded him made it not just difficult to do business but almost impossible to do so at times.  That is one reason Jacksonville was bypassed by many developers and a…

  • Local Reporters stirring up dirt: Will JTA be the next JEA?

    Local Reporters stirring up dirt: Will JTA be the next JEA?

    Eye on my City has written about JTA and the boondoggle known as the U2C…a cute little autonomous vehicle that will change the way we transport people in Jacksonville (or so they say as they market the project).  Lindsey Roberts with Eye has done a deep dive into this now more-than-$60 Million-dollar project.  You can…