DeSantis led the way and now Federal Judge’s Landmark Ruling on 401(k) ESG Investments Could Signal the End of Corporate Wokeness
The best news today was yesterday’s article in Reuters, headlined “American Airlines’ focus on ESG
The best news today was yesterday’s article in Reuters, headlined “American Airlines’ focus on ESG
Publix is sticking by its refusal to put “MAGA” on a customer’s cake, even though
On Tuesday, I got a very bad feeling reading Governor DeSantis’ X announcement that, 18
As the nation gears up for the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and Vice
As Sheriff Bill Leeper embarks on his fourth term, the seasoned law enforcement leader, whose
Hospitals routinely perform life-saving services, and we are all grateful to the hospital staff for
The New York ran another awful cancer concealment story headlined, “The Mystery of What’s Causing
In the U.S., 850 million health insurance claims are denied each year. This has affected
I knew the late Jimmy Carter, and he was no George Washington. Libs are trying
The staff at Eye on Jacksonville would like to extend our warmest wishes to you
Several people recently posted comments in a Facebook group about their property taxes doubling and
The New York Times reported an encouraging story yesterday headlined, “Senate Clears Defense Bill Denying
U.S. Rep. Aaron Bean, who represents a large part of Jacksonville, is in the thick
The Jacksonville Transportation Authority kicked off the holiday season by telling us how glad they
City Council Member Matt Carlucci must enjoy taking a beating. He plans to introduce a
On Friday, the Washington Post ran an unintentionally encouraging story headlined, “Energized by next Trump