A personal perspective of Amendment 2 for your consideration. Amendment 2 is a citizen-sponsored amendment sponsored by “Florida for a Fair Wage”. The amendment changes the current Florida minimum wage of $8.46 per hour to be an adjusted amount over time with the below schedule.
The schedule is $10.00 per hour on Sept. 2021, $11.00 on Sept. 2022, $12.00 on Sept. 2023, $13.00 on Sept. 2024, $14.00 on Sept. 2025 and $15.00 on Sept. 2026.
At the end of the proposed schedule of increases it would continue to adjust each year to the Consumer Price Index as does the current Florida minimum wage.
In 2004, the voters approved an annual increase of the state minimum wage to adjust to the Consumer Price Index, which has averaged about 2% increase each year to the minimum wage.
The current Federal Minimum wage has been $7.25 per hour since 2009, the state can go higher but never lower.
If this is approved, Florida would join with N.J., Illinois, Maryland, and Conn. to raised minimum wages over the next few years to $15.00 per hour. Currently today D.C. has a $14.00 minimum, California $13.00 and Washington $13.50. The average state minimum wage in 2020 is $9.17.
This amendment is supported by MoveOn.org, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, National Education Assoc. and others.
The amendment is opposed by Florida Restaurant Assoc., Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida Retail Federation, Publix, Outback, Burger King, Walt Disney, CVS, Walgreens and others.
There will always be unintended consequences, such as prices will go up. Those currently making just over $15.00 per hour will not see an increase of their wages yet they will feel the impact of rising prices. You will see employees getting fewer or no benefits in order to make up for the increased costs.
Employers will need to find ways to do what they do with less staff, more self-check outs and automated or robotic processes will increase.
If you believe the current inflation indexed minimum wage is sufficient and in a free market, where businesses will pay more to get a better qualified employee. (which is what our office does), then VOTE NO.
If you want to see Florida reach the $15.00 per hour minimum wage, double that of the Federal minimum wage and you are not worried about any consequences, then VOTE YES.