The local media is agog over another liberal exercise in futility.

People have been doing scientific research by “traversing” (going around) the city with thermometers, seeking to map “heat islands.”

Like the mythical “food deserts,” heat islands are another way the Far Left has of dividing up America into haves and have-nots – and pretending to care about the have-nots.

In Jacksonville, politicians bribe supermarkets to open in “food deserts” where they can’t make a profit.

The heat island game also happens to fit handily into the current trendy idea that human civilization is frying the Earth and that the only way to Salvation is to revert to a pre-industrial age or try to power an industrial age with windmills.

The tipoff is in the study’s own “aims and purposes” statement. It seeks to help “underserved communities” and to “better understand and address the inequitable threat of extreme heat.”

(Question: is extreme cold, as in Siberia, “equitable.” Or do the Russians have a reason for putting gulags there?)

Among the questions the study poses is: “Who is most disproportionately affected by heat, and what is there to do about it?”

Well, don’t worry about that. The outfit that did the study has tons of answers for the local taxpayers – at a price. The $20 grand study was paid for by NOAA, the federal agency in charge of promoting global warming theories.

Likely to be among the forthcoming answers is that the government should provide air-conditioned homes and air-conditioned electric cars for everyone in a heat island in order to be equitable.

It is all very scientific, of course. It used “multi-band land cover rasters” from satellites! Yet, the authors felt a need to insert cautionary statements like this: “While our team has a developed a multi-stage process for assessing and reviewing the datasets, some errors cannot be identified or detected, and therefore can inadvertently compromise the results.”

The scientific study included the mind-boggling finding that it is hotter where there are large expanses of concrete, such as shopping centers, than in areas with large expenses of greenery, such as parks.

It isn’t just Jacksonville. Ten other cities were heat-mapped this summer, thanks to plentiful federal funds and without regard to a $30 trillion national debt.

In Los Angeles, taxpayers are paying for a pilot study that involves painting streets, at a cost of $40,000 per mile, hoping that will reduce the heat.

Lloyd Brown

Lloyd was born in Jacksonville. Graduated from the University of North Florida. He spent nearly 50 years of his life in the newspaper business …beginning as a copy boy and retiring as editorial page editor for Florida Times Union. He has also been published in a number of national newspapers and magazines, as well as Internet sites. Married with children. Military Vet. Retired. Man of few words but the words are researched well, deeply considered and thoughtfully written.


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