Considering the billions of dollars that are spent on higher education, one would think that some serious work is being done there.
That is not always the case. An example is close to home.
Revealed — with straight-faced reporting – by News4Jax is an example of new woke research being done at the University of North Florida.
The intrepid academics are going to seek out and identify “heat islands” in Jacksonville.
If you haven’t heard of heat islands, you are not alone.
But things are moving fast on the progressive front. It was only in recent years that they discovered there are 57 varieties of humans, rather than just men and women.
Naturally, the local government is “partnering up” with this effort.
But you know where it originated.
News4Jax reports: “This remapping program is a part of the Biden Administration’s Justice 40: Initiative, which is an effort to make sure federal agencies work with state and local communities to give 40 percent of benefits from federal investment in climate and clean energy to disadvantaged communities.”
That’s right. It is “environmental justice.”
Two volunteers, a driver and a navigator, with a sensor mounted on the car will conduct the hunt. People can also do this while riding a bike, which certainly would cut down on the carbon emissions.
The volunteers will have to drive or ride around in a particular neighborhood of their choice for an hour, at three different times in one day.
The first ride will be from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., then the second ride from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., and lastly from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. that night as the sensors will record the temperatures and humidity that day
Anyone who sees this as anything but a boondoggle, designed to spend money we don’t have to learn things that don’t matter, is fooling himself.
It also is reminiscent of City Hall’s recent efforts to waste taxpayer’s money on “food deserts” – another liberal solution in search of a problem.
Liberal tactics never change. The current administration in Washington has spent trillions of dollars beyond its income and plans to spend trillions more. The object is to force higher taxes because taxing and spending is what democratic socialists do.
They have a large following in universities and funneling some of that funny money through academia is a payback mechanism in recognition of their support in nurturing new socialists.
Stay turned to find out how they plan to solve the problem they just invented.