In an unintentionally hilarious “news story,” First Coast News is supporting the efforts of a group of local liberals seeking to hamper law and order in Jacksonville.
The so-called Jacksonville Community Action Committee held a demonstration to urge the city to reinstate the recently disbanded “Safer Together Committee,” the station reported.
There is no such committee. Two council members were assigned to hold workshops, which they did for a year. After they produced a final report, saying little, one of the two members quit.
Council Member Michael Boylan cited as his main reason the intemperate, often outrageous language used by people appearing at the meetings.
The remaining member, Joyce Morgan, wants to continue wasting time and money on the workshops but Council President Sam Newby ended the workshops.
“I am not for ending it just because tough conversations were had. they are needed in this community with all the issues that we are dealing with,” Morgan told Channel 12 reporters. “We need the tough conversations.”
“This committee was intended to allow the public to have a platform to share their thoughts about how to make Jacksonville a safer city for all community members,” the Jacksonville Community Action Committee says in a statement. “JCAC believes that community members should have a platform to engage in discussions about the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, and we are opposed to any effort that revokes the ability for community members to have a say in their own city.”
This is nonsense. Liberals have a reliable platform – actually a megaphone. The local media. will leap at any opportunity to run stories on liberal groups who complain about the police, or anything else.
Any two liberals holding signs can get headlines or time on the evening news without fail. Conservatives, not so much.
The Jacksonville Community Action Committee is a nebulous group of unknown size. It has a Web site but does not identify anyone in the organization on the site.
But its liberal views are highlighted.
It favors an elected group that would duplicate the already established methods of reviewing police conduct, giving liberals yet another opportunity to intimidate and harass the police for doing their jobs.
It also favors doing away with the law that protects police officers and their families from liability in civil lawsuits, which would enable trial lawyers to enrich the families of criminals and themselves.
It also favors slashing the police budget in half.
Rather than being silenced, liberals have a louder voice than anyone else in Jacksonville.