Vote Yes:  No. 2 Amendment on November Ballot Because We Probably WILL Need a Constitutional Right to Fish and Hunt

The proposed “Right to Fish and Hunt” amendment to Florida’s constitution, which seeks to preserve hunting and fishing as public rights, may seem silly and unnecessary at first glance. After all, fishing and hunting are long-standing traditions in America. However, some Florida residents are concerned these four issues could hurt the right to fish and hunt:

  1. Preemptive Protection: As environmental and animal rights activism gains momentum, some advocates push for stronger regulations or even bans on certain hunting and fishing practices. They have already been successful in mandating certain regulations that have been detrimental to the fishing community.  By embedding these activities as a constitutional right, this amendment aims to safeguard them from future legislative restrictions.
  2. Wildlife Management: The amendment states that fishing and hunting are preferred methods for managing fish and wildlife populations. These activities help control animal populations, prevent overpopulation, and maintain ecological balance. It may also reflect concerns that stricter regulations could lead to alternative, less responsible methods of wildlife management which has been seen by releasing wolves in National Parks and creating havoc to the natural wildlife there.
  3. Tradition and Culture: Florida has a strong cultural and historical connection to outdoor sports, particularly fishing and hunting. By enshrining these activities in the constitution, supporters hope to ensure that future generations and tourists can continue these traditions without interference.
  4. Political Motivations: Proposals like this may appeal to certain voter bases, such as hunters, fishermen, and those in rural communities. It can also be viewed as a statement against potential government overreach, ensuring that these activities remain within public control and are not overly restricted.

In summary, Eye’s team believes checking YES for this Amendment is the American, freedom-loving and right thing to do!


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