There are troubling signs that local politicians may be inching towards gun control under pressure from one rich and powerful gun-grabber and others of like minds.
Jacksonville, and Florida, have been until now staunch supporters of the rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
Florida lobbyist Marion Hammer, a former president of the NRA, pushed through the country’s first “stand your ground” law in 2005. More than 1.84 million Floridians have licenses to carry concealed weapons.
This has led gun-control advocates to dub Florida as the “The Gunshine State.” As witty as the liberals may believe that to be, residents of the state are adamant about preserving their rights.
Mayor Lenny Curry has had to buck one of his most powerful backers.
Peter Rummell, a liberal RINO and local developer, has complained that Curry “has not seen the light” on gun control, one of Rummell’s main interests.
Rummell and his business associate Michael Munz want to ban “assault weapons,” despite the fact that they probably cannot define these evil devices or explain why they are dangerous when not in the hands of dangerous people.
To his credit, Curry has remained firm in support of the Second Amendment, fully aware that Rummell supported his predecessor, Alvin Brown, until Brown wouldn’t play ball — whereupon Rummell summarily dumped him for Curry.
In addition to whatever behind-the-scenes pressure Rummell may be applying on Curry and City Council members, there is another effort locally that also poses a threat to the rights of Americans to protect themselves.
A group called the Northside Coalition, headed by activist Ben Frazier, has a “Ten Point Plan” for reducing violence that includes gun control measures. It will be pressuring city officials to disarm victims, which would embolden criminals and likely worsen violence.
To keep from being ambushed, local voters and residents should keep an eye on these efforts to chip away at one of America’s basic freedoms by people who may be well intentioned but misinformed, or simply have other agendas.