School Board: Much ado about nothing
Tuesday’s School Board meeting produced unanimous agreement on words written on a piece of paper
Tuesday’s School Board meeting produced unanimous agreement on words written on a piece of paper
After a lapse related to the Red Chinese virus, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is once
Another bill has been tossed into the legislative hopper by Council Member Garrett Dennis, who
In an unintentionally hilarious “news story,” First Coast News is supporting the efforts of a
Your voice is needed to honor the Women of the Southland Monument on Tuesday, Oct.
I retired as a Fireman of Jacksonville. It took courage, determination, commitment, proper planning and
Ben Frazier, head of a group known as the Northside Coalition, is continuing his quest
Jacksonville’s city government has a new budget for the fiscal year beginning Friday that calls
Stopping the separate pickup of household items to be recycled has not been a popular
Jacksonville’s very expensive downtown library is shut down, leaving the public to wonder why it
“The pandemic has challenged our education system nationwide, yet it has also opened new doors
Matt Carlucci’s path to the mayor’s office encountered a speed bump, perhaps, when his top
What may be the ultimate example of virtue-signaling took place at Tuesday’s meeting of the
Members of City Council continue to enjoy automatic pay raises despite one member’s efforts to
We recently wrote about the angst of the people of Fernandina Beach over the heavy-handed
Liberals who seek to change the name of one of the city’s oldest high schools