For years I watched as the City maligned Sleiman Enterprises and the media was the vehicle for slamming a wonderful company.
The Sleiman family grew up in Jacksonville, attended schools here and returned from college to run their family business. They love Jacksonville and behind the scenes and in front of our faces, they have sacrificed their personal wealth time and time again for others.
We saw it when they hosted — year after year — the July 4th fireworks, the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, the thousands of free concerts and the open doors to non-profits for the use of The Landing. There are so many stories about how the Sleiman family has given back that a book should be written about them. Maybe one day!
I know the Sleiman family and I adore them. That is why I have supported them and wrote the truth about them. They deserve to be acknowledged and honored.
And now they need it even more!
Yesterday it was reported — by only ONE news outlet in Jacksonville that Sleiman Enterprises is waiving May and June rent payments for its small and locally owned tenants. Sleiman has more than 1,000 tenants and this generous program will cost them dearly. But that’s who they are!
What is so sad is the local TV news outlets didn’t have breaking news about this generous gift. The local newspaper was quiet too. These media outlets showed their true colors and it’s yellow — for cowardly behaviors.
Eye on Jacksonville appreciates Sleiman Enterprises and we give them the biggest WINK we can find!
When this virus is over, please support any small and local tenant who house their business on Sleiman Enterprise properties. Just look for the sign and turn your car into the parking lot. The best way to pay Sleiman Enterprises back for their generosity is to support their tenants.
God will bless Sleiman Enterprises because He says that those who bless my people will be blessed. Indeed we claim that for them!