Mayor Curry extends mask mandate for 30 more days — but not for him and his family

In breaking news today, Mayor Curry extended the wearing of masks in Duval County another 30 days.

Many who support the mask mandate were thrilled with the decision. Those who do not, were not.

But the biggest and loudest group of upset Duval County residents came from those who follow the Mayor on Twitter and sent us pictures of a family and friend gathering this past Sunday where NO ONE was wearing a mask. We appreciate the sweet birthday party and we are sorry to have to ruin it for the Mayor’s beautiful daughter. He put the pictures up.

If Mayor Curry made the decision based on science and what’s good for the community — that’s a great thing to do.

Unfortunately, his hypocrisy completely blew that reasoning.

Eye chose to point this out because our followers demanded something be done. We told them, “There is nothing you can do. He’s our Mayor. He won a second term. You just have to put up with his decision-making for the next three years. We will point this out to him and maybe he will change his way. That’s all we can do.”

Remember that lesson when it is time to vote for a new Mayor. Elections have consequences and we are living with them now. There is an election coming in November so vote wisely because that election will have consequences too.

Billie Tucker Volpe Founder of Eye on Jacksonville and Leadership Consultant to CEOs/Executives


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