Magazine adulation shows media is part of Demings’ campaign

Val Demings, who was born and raised in Jacksonville, is riding her Harley around Florida, seeking to become a U.S. senator.

To do that, she would have to defeat an incumbent senator, but she is undaunted.

Demings is relying on the media support. And judging by the ludicrous story in the ultra-liberal Vanity Fair, she will get it, in spades.

Naturally the story, which reads as if it were written by her campaign staff, emphasizes that the Democrat candidate is a woman and has black skin.

At the same time, it tries to make a big deal out of the fact that she was once a police officer. That is awkward, given that the Far Left hates the police and seeks to cripple them at every opportunity.

It portrays an alleged moment in what it calls a “cracker” town when she got a rising reception and a “white man” grabbed her hand and prayed for her. This happens in a state, Vanity Fair claims, “increasingly restricts LGBTQ+, reproductive and voting rights and bans history books while its Republican officials call a mob attack on the Capitol legitimate political discourse.”

In case you don’t get this ham-fisted narrative, Demings is converting the backwards Florida rednecks to the joys of enlightened democratic socialism.

It gets better.

Although she lost in her first run for Congress to Dan Webster, a star Republican, and dropped out while losing an attempt to become mayor of Orlando, she finally got an office when a congressional district was gerrymandered to provide voters who would elect her.

She is described as a “moderate” having “incredible credibility.” And, she played an “important” part in the Russian Collusion Delusion attack on President Trump, assisting Adam Schiff in the two impeachments that preceded the current Stalinist show trial.

Ergo, she is a bona fide Trump-hater.

When Biden narrowly passed her up for his vice president, the “consummate optimist” merely said, “I know that God has something else for me.”

This fulsome praise goes on, with a riveting account of how she bravely endured the demonstration at the Capitol on Jan. 6, which the magazine laughingly refers to as the night a “mob of Trumpists tried to overthrow democracy.”

Spoiler alert: Demings could have quelled the violence, but instead she prayed, (and fled).

The lauding goes on ad nauseam and includes the obligatory vicious attack on incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio. Trust Eye on Jacksonville, you don’t need to read it, except perhaps the last sentence, where Demings declares that after she is elected, the Senate will not be the same.

Lloyd Brown

Lloyd was born in Jacksonville. Graduated from the University of North Florida. He spent nearly 50 years of his life in the newspaper business …beginning as a copy boy and retiring as editorial page editor for Florida Times Union. He has also been published in a number of national newspapers and magazines, as well as Internet sites. Married with children. Military Vet. Retired. Man of few words but the words are researched well, deeply considered and thoughtfully written.

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