Last week 200 doctors wrote a letter to Mayor Curry stating RNC “medically disrespectful” while other doctors completely disagree with their tactics.
Then pastors with left leaning principles wrote another one to Mayor Curry over their ‘grave concerns’ about Jacksonville hosting the RNC.
Yesterday W. C. Gentry, a very “strong” liberal lawyer, filed a lawsuit against the city because it would be a “nuisance” to the “health and welfare of the community.”
Every rabbit you can think of will be pulled on us and you can bet your sweet dollar — they will not stop with their magic tricks. More rabbits are coming!
And what shall we do about this?
We have the answer! The Republicans have our own rabbits.
When the RNC announced they were coming to Jacksonville, the Duval GOP set up a website for volunteers to sign up and become involved in this exciting election.
They signed up more than 6,000 volunteers!!
Pull that out of your rabbit pile Dems!
These are real people — not paid for anarchists — which is how the Dems gather their volunteer army.
And here’s the good news friends. If you want to become a good rabbit and be a volunteer — you can still sign up. They need 4,000 more to achieve their goal of 10,000 volunteers to help at the RNC. There are events all over town and you have the opportunity to support these events, throw out the welcome mat and show the left — we will not be silenced. We will gather together and nominate Donald J. Trump at the Vystar Arena on Thursday, August 27th.
If you want to volunteer, go to www.rncvolunteer.com and do it today. Let’s show the left we have rabbits of our own. Lots of them!
(This story has been updated. We removed the information about City Council President Hazouri being a rabbit too. We discovered there is more to the story of Tommy Hazouri’s requests for information about the RNC and we will address his letter in another post.)