For the first time in most people’s memory the daily paper was not published today.
This note to subscribers was posted on the paper’s Web site:
“Because of technical issues, most copies of the Florida Times-Union were not delivered to subscribers Monday morning. Others were considerably delayed.
For those who didn’t receive Monday’s newspaper, it will be delivered Tuesday.
We apologize for the inconvenience.”
Channel 4 said it was told a virus in a computer server was the cause for the disruption.
Since the late 19th century the paper has been published every day, including the day after the Fire of 1901. It also published the afternoon Jacksonville Journal that day because the Journal’s building at Laura and Church streets was damaged.
This week the newspaper left the building at One Riverside Avenue where it has been published since 1967. It has had two owners since that time.
The huge presses have been stripped from the production building.
The greatly reduced staff is housed on one floor of the Wells-Fargo building and circulation reportedly is down to 38,000. The paper is printed in Gainesville and trucked to Jacksonville to be distributed.
Some subscribers were told they would get today’s paper tomorrow. Many already had been complaining that the “news” they get often is old because of the new production method.