Floridians are very grateful to have a Governor who is a legal expert, has a background in the military, put himself through college by working many jobs, is a happily married man and the devoted father of three adorable children and on top of all that, he is a protector of Florida residents and uses science to make his decisions carefully.
No matter what the left wing media concocts about Gov. Ron DeSantis — out of pure hate for conservative thinking — they have no leg to stand on anymore. The people of Florida are extremely happy with their choice for Governor and the people across the country moving here are too. These newcomers to Florida didn’t uproot their lives and families because they hate his governing. They left far left governing behind them to experience life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in Florida.
The most difficult part of Governor DeSantis’ role is dealing with the Biden Administration’s outlandish and outright unethical mandates on the people. In his most recent callous mandate, Biden will ration the amount Florida will get of the allotted drug monoclonal. Governor DeSantis found that this wonder miracle protocol for COVID worked so well he established free clinics across Florida to distribute it to anyone with symptoms. These clinics have kept people out of the hospital AND saved their lives. DeSantis will not be stopped and he has gone straight to the manufacturer to do a work around against a tyrannical President. Read his plan here.
Biden’s cruel and dictator-like mandates are creating a lawless and unethical society. We the People should be highly concerned and many people are rising up against him. For instance, Moms for Liberty is a rather new grassroots organization teaching moms, dads, grandparents, and other family members how to stand up and be heard. They are providing a needed resource for parents especially who don’t know where to go to protect their children’s liberties. They now have an organization they can identify with and not feel alone in this cruel world we have found ourselves living in.
And for those of you who are believing the rhetoric that DeSantis is the problem or Moms standing up for liberty are too, we felt you should hear this Professor of Ethics tell you why the problem has nothing to do with them. It has everything to do with tyranny.
If the left so believes in their science, surely they will believe in the science of ethics from a Professor of
Ethics for more than 20 years at a well-established college in Canada. Surely they will. Or surely they should.
Please watch Julie Ponesse, Professor of Ethics, teach you how to fight for an ethical society and ethical treatment for you, your family and others. This video is gripping and the ending is heart-wrenching.
Today Eye sends a big WINK to Governor DeSantis, Moms for Liberty and Julie Ponesse, Ethics Professor. The sacrificial work they are doing for us is well noted by the people and by our Maker who wants us all to live in freedom.
May God have mercy on us who are living in lawlessness and may He soon – very soon – pass judgment on those who want to control and ultimately kill our chances at living as free men and women in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Until then – we all must learn to stand and be as bold as these we salute today. We must! Because if not us, then who?