CALL TO ACTION: Sign Stop “Targeting” Our Kids Petition and Letter to Chip and Joanna Gaines

Eagle Forum, along with a diverse group of national, state, and local activists, has launched a petition drive called the Stop “Targeting” Our Kids Align Act. The initiative aims to peacefully request that Target, a popular retail corporation, either move or remove divisive “Trans Pride” items currently being sold.

In addition, the group has called upon Chip and Joanna Gaines, the creators of the Magnolia Home line of products sold at Target, to assist in reaching out to Target’s management.

The petition primarily focuses on the “Trans Pride” merchandise marketed towards babies, toddlers, and teens, as well as women’s bathing suits advertised as having “tuck-friendly construction” and “extra crotch coverage” to accommodate male genitalia. Activists argue that these items can be divisive and inappropriate for young audiences. Furthermore, the petition also questions Target’s donations to GLSEN, an organization accused of advocating for the withholding of information from parents regarding their children’s gender dysphoria and school accommodations.

Media personality and political commentator, Glenn Beck, has expressed his support for the Align Act. In his statement, Beck emphasizes the importance of common sense, decency, and respect for differing views. He highlights the movement as an opportunity for families to stand for their values and encourages Chip and Joanna Gaines, known for their Christian faith and dedication to family values, to join the effort and speak out against Target’s promotion of “Trans Pride” products.

The Align Act petition, available at and, serves as a means for concerned citizens to make their voices heard and urge Target to reconsider its approach. Additionally, a letter has been sent to Chip and Joanna Gaines, requesting their assistance in contacting Target’s management. The activists ask the Gaineses, as parents, Christians, and creators of homegoods, to advocate for the removal of “Trans Pride” merchandise and the relocation of LGBTQ+ items in Target stores.

Here’s what you can do: Go to and SHARE the link – — This takes people to an AlignAct where they can do three things:

1. Sign a petition that will be delivered to Chip and Joanna Gaines asking them to use their voice within Target to help them restore sanity

2. Tweet to Chip and Joanna telling them we stand with them and need their help to change Target executives’ minds

3. Email Target executives telling them to stop normalizing transgenderism with our children


Eye’s team is having a doggone good time keeping you informed of the issues of the day. Send us your stories and we’ll sniff them out!

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69 responses to “CALL TO ACTION: Sign Stop “Targeting” Our Kids Petition and Letter to Chip and Joanna Gaines”

  1. If you keep pushing/supporting this deviant behavior, I will never shop Target again, never!!

  2. What a disappointment! We had higher hopes for Chip and Joanna. Save your reputations and split with Target now!

  3. Stop attacking my grandkids with your woke bull crap I have already stopped buying from you

  4. Stop transgender brainwashing our precious children within our public schools and in your merchandising!!!!!

  5. I love Target Stores and your brands… please take a stand … this evil and harming our children and breaking apart families which is the last war for Satan!

  6. There is a Target store around the corner from me. I will no longer be shopping there. If you want to push your WOKE AGENDS thats OK. But I hope your companies value keeps falling. I feel sorry for the
    hard working employees that work there.

  7. I love Target Stores and your brands… please take a stand … this evil and harming our children and breaking apart families which is the last war for Satan!

  8. When my children were very young, I loved shopping at Target, especially during the holidays. They had so many great clothing and toys that no one else had. Sadly, when Target opened up women’s bathrooms to people other than women, I stopped shopping there. Now that Target has continued down this road, it is not surprising to me that other concerned parents have joined with me and vowed not to fund this company with their hard earned dollars. Joanna and Chip, I love your show and what you stand for. It is obvious that your family values do not align with this company. Won’t you please take a stand and pull your goods from Target? (I know this petition is asking you to ask Target to reconsider, but it has been years since the bathroom decision, and I just don’t see them changing course at this time due to ESG.) As you can see, the mom’s in America will be behind you. I dare say that you will most likely be more successful away from Target than with them. Thanks for listening. All the best.

  9. What you are allowing in your stores is horrible we will never shop there again as long as you allow this kind of garbage!!!

  10. Sell to the majority of your customer bass NOT the fringe that make up 1% of it. Keep your politics out of my shopping cart.

  11. Stop pushing these agendas especially on our children,let people lead and live there lives as they see fit,most people don’t care what others identify as , lead your life as you want and leave others to do the same .

  12. please keep Trans stuff away from the kids. no child should even have a thought like that in his mind or visual.

  13. Needed home items today, typically would have shopped Target, and it was in the same shopping plaza where I had just gotten a haircut. Drove to Walmart instead to make my purchase. I am not happy how Target is “targeting” kids with Trans items and agenda. Will NOT return to Target unless this stops.

  14. Stop this nonsense ! Please quiet trying to push things like this on us. The silent no longer majority.

  15. I am not going to be shopping at Target anymore. I will also tell my friends and family not to as well.

  16. The act of hiding anything from a child’s parent is positively reprehensible. Target is a provider of various products, NOT a supporter to groom a child towards transgenderism and conceal this from a parent. Stick to marketing products or cease to exist. Look at Bed,Bath & Beyond!

  17. children are to impressable and always openminded to make this type of life decision at the ages they are trying to groom STOP it Let them be a child with childhood memories

  18. Stop this evil Target! Leave the children alone!!
    Hey, Chip and Joanne?? Do you go along with Target and them promoting this trans stuff on our children? Why are you so silent?
    I will not put one foot into Target, if it is the last store on earth!

  19. Stop this evil Target! Leave the children alone!!
    Hey, Chip and Joanne?? Do you go along with Target and them promoting this trans stuff on our children? Why are you so silent?
    I will not put one foot into Target, if it is the last atore

  20. Stop this Transgender Insanity! < 1% are transgender, it is immoral and against all religious teachings. I and my wife WILL NOT SHOP AT YOUR STORE EVER AGAIN. We used to shop there for our needs and things for our grandkids….never again!

  21. Stop normalizing transgenderism with our children behind our backs. There are only TWO sexes. Men CAN’T grow a womb and women can’t grow a real penis. Very disturbing and tragic to children who are told they can supposedly “transition” to another sex with toxic drugs and irreversible operations. ENOUGH! I’m done with Target who promotes this insanity.

  22. If any commercial venture will simply just stick to selling necessary items WITHOUT PROMOTING AGENDAS THAT ARE QUESTIONABLE, TO SAY THE LEAST, they will enjoy my continued patronizing of their business.

  23. This insanity has to stop. Our children are OUR CHILDREN and as long as Target supports all of this then I don’t support Target! I’m also no longer watching Chip & Joanna or buying Magnolia items. I can’t support them if they don’t speak up against all of this total insanity!!

  24. Please stop targeting our children with your disgusting advertising of these products that promote this mental illness that we call gay. Stop making it ok to change our country to support this illness. This is not the way God intended for our world to exist. I will not enter the doors of another Target as long as you continue to promote your beliefs on out children. Take down the “TARGET “ sign and put up “Sodom and Gomorrah” as that would be more fitting for your establishment.

  25. Please, for greater good, stop promoting ideologies that offend Catholics and Christians in general. Children should be protected from conception throughout their childhood and promoting transgender ideologies only promotes confusion. Try to discover underlying causes for
    the abnormalities and promote the healthy development of our greatest treasure: our children.

  26. Please stop this pandering to Black Rock , Vanguard and the rest of these anti American ESG pushers! They are trying to test our country down and Target among others are helping. Neither me or my family will step inside a Target store again.

  27. 30 years at Target, I’m done. My $125K salary and I have already found non woke alternative small businesses online to order from. I’d love to go back to Target but not while you are complicit in brainwashing children and pushing agendas. What happened to being a store and apolitical???

  28. STOP! Please. Just stop selling sick children’s books and clothing. You’re harming kids and families.

  29. I will NEVER shop at Target again, and I loved Target. I’m spreading the word! LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE!

  30. Please stay out of targeting our children and supporting the teachers union in keeping parents from knowing what they are teaching our kids! Stsy out if politics and just sell products

  31. I used to love going to Target with the goal of purchasing a greeting card and ending up with a basket full of fun items. However, those days are over. I don’t support companies that Target KIDS. Stop with the gender theory ideology that is ruingin society

  32. this is a copy of the complaint I sent to Target last week:

    I feel extremely abused by your “woke” marketing department, that they felt the need to shove the LGBTQ crap in the face of every customer walking into your stores, just to kowtow to a small percentage of your clientele. That sort of merchandise needs to be tucked away in a back corner, in a private place, not put out front, exposed to the world.
    You should not be “proud” of your decision to celebrate pride month like that; it was a really dumb move, not “on target”. You have caused a lot of harm to your customers, the stockholders, and everyone who has money in a 401K because we have lost money. Vanguard and Blackrock are run by ESG dickhead perverts.
    I don’t even like where the women bras are displayed, it’s not private at all and I am very uncomfortable shopping for “intimate” apparel like that, and your selection sucks BTW.

    The last time I was at your Southtown store, It was a very disappointing shopping experience. The stuff your website said you had in stock was not in stock. My friend who I had brought along, said she was glad she went, it made her realize she doesn’t miss shopping at Target anymore. If I never go there again, I will not miss it either.
    I once worked for Dayton Hudson Corp., I’m now embarrassed by that. like I’m embarrassed that I worked for Disney Store. God, why do corporations think they can do whatever the hell they want and not give a damn about their customers.
    You sure shot yourselves in the Bullseye. dumbasses.

  33. Stop pushing Trans gender issues onto our children, this is an adult issue and should only be discussed umungst other adults.

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