Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist, currently a Democrat, has chosen Karla Hernandez-Mats as his running mate.

Who is Karla Hernandez-Mats?

Since 2016, she has been the president of the United Teachers of Dade, the largest teacher union in the southeastern United States. She is also listed as a vice president on the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Website.

The AFT fought to keep schools closed during the 2020-21 school year. When schools across the nation opened, the AFT supported sickout-strikes, leaving students out in the cold.

This forced many students into remote learning. The classroom was now in the living room. Subsequently, parents now had a real time view into what their children were learning — a silver lining in the devastating impact of Covid policies.

Parents across the nation began showing up at school board meetings to voice their concerns. Curriculum content and mandated masking were the top concerns. The school boards responded with arrogance and feigned indignation.

The National School Board Association went so far as to label parents who opposed mask mandates and critical race theory as domestic terrorists. The association penned a letter Sept. 29, 2021, to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland requesting the FBI investigate such parents, and Garland complied.

This further outraged parents, prompting more scrutiny on school boards and the teacher’s unions. Why is this relevant? Because Hernandez-Mats has expressed the same arrogance and feigned indignation toward parents. Parents who object to their children being taught they are inherently racist; taught they can be a boy, girl, or anything in between; or taught sexually explicit material are enemies of the unions.

Covid had a silver lining in exposing the true character and agenda woven into the public education system. Beyond that beautiful smile, Hernandez-Mats has shown herself to be hostile to parental rights.

This puts the Democrat candidates exactly opposite Gov. Ron DeSantis, who fought to keep schools open and the economy moving, leading the nation in that regard.

But it also ensures they will be propped up financially by the very wealthy teachers union.

Debbie Gonzalez

Researcher and Writer Debbie a native of New York became a resident of Jacksonville via the U.S. Navy. After separating from the navy she worked for both Grumman Aerospace and later Northrup-Grumman Aerospace. After almost 20 years in the aviation industry, she went back to college to change professions. Going back to school as an adult that had lived all over the United States and abroad she had experience in culture and circumstance, which created an incongruity with the material being taught. At that point she began questioning the validity of the material and made the observation that to pass her courses she had to agree, at least on paper, with the material. She graduated about the same time as the Wall Street crash of 2008 and jobs were now difficult to find. So, with time on her hand she began to look into other areas to see if the incongruity existed outside of the college curriculum as well. This is where her mission for the truth began. Since then she has worked to get facts out to the public.

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