One Jacksonville woman, listening to her grand-daughter’s virtual learning class in the next room, was shocked when the teacher presented a tirade against the president of the United States.
This is precisely why Eye on Jacksonville advised parents to monitor their children’s online classes.
Fortunately, the woman captured the diatribe on a recording.
The teacher presented the material as information about the upcoming presidential election. It was a recorded “lesson” narrated by someone else and apparently published by the far left Associated Press.
But it was about as objective and truthful as a CNN broadcast.
The recording offered “some thoughts about the presidential debate.”
It told students that Trump is “well known for interrupting his opponents” and that he constantly interrupted Joe Biden. It said, “The next president will have to deal with the virus. Trump has tried to avoid talking about it on the campaign trail. He couldn’t avoid it in the debate.”
Then it brought up the subject of racism and said that “George Floyd, an unarmed black man, was killed by police.” It said the debate moderator was from Fox News and added, “At times he lost control of the debate.”
Therefore, in the space of two to three minutes, it managed to portray Trump as being rude, racist, responsible for a pandemic and aided by an inept moderator from a conservative network – all the opposite of the truth.
In any case, this is not suitable material for third-graders no matter how it is presented. Children that age have no conception of the government, how politicians are selected or the issues involved.
You really have to wonder if the so-called lesson really was aimed at parents who can vote.
The class was from Duval Charter School at Baymeadows, which describes its mission statement thus: “Inspiring every student to achieve excellence through rigorous academics and character education.”
Duval is one of the schools in the corporate realm of Charter Schools USA, which operates 70 schools in seven states, including 57 in Florida.
Charter schools have their own curriculum and methods. That is a virtue of school choice. Parents who want their students to be indoctrinated in liberal thinking but may not want them bullied or mugged in traditional government schools, can choose to send them to a charter or private school that will perform that service safely, just as other parents can make their own choices.
But no matter what school parents choose, they still should determine what kind of education their child will be getting.
The 8-year-old child’s grandmother was so alarmed at what she overheard that she called the White House and Sean Hannity of Fox News, she said.
She said that she did not call the School Board to complain. “They are Democrat,” she said.
She told Eye on Jacksonville, “This is not appropriate, teaching new generations to hate people.”
“I don’t want her to grow up hating people.”
She said it did not matter whether the bias displayed was toward Democrat or Republican. It was just wrong.
Feel free to listen to the recording for yourself: