In Sunday’s Florida Times Union, former Mayor Jake Godbold was boldly transparent with his thoughts and feelings about the potential sale of JEA. A bigger wink goes to his description of the CEO at JEA!
Mayor Godbold stated,
“Shortly after Aaron Zahn was installed as JEA’s half-million dollar a year boss, the late Pete Carpenter, retired CEO of CSX, wrote in a letter to the Times-Union that Zahn was a “snake oil salesman” and highly unqualified to run Florida’s largest public utility, nor any other major organization.
Carpenter’s description of Zahn, Mayor Lenny Curry’s hand-picked applicant, was predictive. There was no doubt that he was put there to peddle the non-sensical snake-oil notion that to save the JEA from a pending “death spiral,” the City Council and the community need to swallow what he is hawking: sell the utility to the highest bidder.
It was rubbish then and it’s still nothing but stinking garbage today.”
You can read the rest of the story here: https://www.jacksonville.com/opinion/20190929/guest-column-jea-was-doing-fine-before-huckster-took-over
Do not discount the wisdom of Mayor Jake Godbold. He has nothing to lose by stating the truth and we at Eye on Jacksonville are thankful he has spoken.
Now maybe the City Council will become wise too and do their job to protect our city from “hucksters” and administrations who are in it for themselves and not the people.
It’s good day in Jacksonville. Thank you Mayor Godbold for being so bold!