Most Americans would agree that the greater danger facing the nation today is not “white supremacy” but the teaching of racism in government schools.
It is being done under the guise of “Critical Race Theory” and it was the major issue in the governor’s race in Virginia, which sent the Democrat Party into a panic when a Republican won.
Some say the tactic is transitioning into “Social and Emotional Learning,” because CRT already has become toxic.
Whatever the name, it forces children to focus on skin color rather than instruction in reading, math, English and other standard subjects.
Of course if you oppose this overt racism, you are a “racist” according to the Far Left.
Florida has banned its use and the Duval County school system says it is not taught here. But determined leftists can get around deterrents easily. It may not be in the curriculum but left-wing teachers can instill it in children’s minds during classroom lectures.
There is an effective way to resist this bigotry.
Cameras in classrooms would allow parents to monitor what their children are being taught.
As a side benefit, parents may learn something they didn’t learn or have forgotten.
If schools are doing their job, they have nothing to fear. This is the same argument that was used to force police officers to wear cameras and it is even more germane in the case of education.
Most day care centers used parent cams. Why not continue them when the children move on to school?
But the Education Blob – an amorphous mass that protects public education by resisting effective reform – will oppose cameras in the classroom. It is a specialized arm of the Deep State.
In Duval County, liberals hold a majority on the School Board, so it would be difficult to get it approved.
But the experience in Virginia, and the resistance in Jacksonville to things like placating the cancel culture by renaming schools, have shown that aroused parents can get things done, and that political party lines can be broken when the cause is just.