Day: November 5, 2021

  • Cameras in the classrooms – parents need an eye on Jacksonville schools

    Cameras in the classrooms – parents need an eye on Jacksonville schools

    Most Americans would agree that the greater danger facing the nation today is not “white supremacy” but the teaching of racism in government schools. It is being done under the guise of “Critical Race Theory” and it was the major issue in the governor’s race in Virginia, which sent the Democrat Party into a panic…

  • School Board: Much ado about nothing

    School Board:  Much ado about nothing

    Tuesday’s School Board meeting produced unanimous agreement on words written on a piece of paper that seemingly said nothing, meant nothing and accomplished nothing. That’s progress, perhaps, although it left a lot of observers puzzled. On the board’s consent agenda was a resolution – which is a statement, not law or policy. It addressed board…