Your voice is needed to honor the Women of the Southland Monument on Tuesday, Oct. 12 during public comments of the City Council Meeting.
This monument has become a target of the Northside Coalition led by Ben Frazier. Mr. Frazier has become a big mouth piece for hatred against stone monuments. But this time, he’s messing with a mother and children and this has caught the attention of many citizens across the county.
The take down of this Mother and her children statue will cost taxpayers a projected $1.298 million. Because of the costs associated with this removal, it will take 13 of the 19 city council members to amend the city’s capital improvement project to add in the additional money. This will come down to a City Council vote and they need to hear from you.
You can reach your City Council member by searching for your district here if you can’t make it to the Council meeting. Just do what you can and let them hear from you.
Our city services are in disarray and they can’t even remove our trash. Why would they even consider spending this kind of money to trash a stone monument of a mother and children if they can’t take care of our every day trash?
The reason they are even looking at it is because Ben Frazier has a big mouth. Maybe other big mouths should show up and be heard?
Stone monuments can’t speak but their voices need to be heard too. Especially the voices of a mother and children.