New “Welcome to Florida” signs make you feel good all over!

In a striking move that has left both tourists and locals buzzing, Florida has unveiled its latest addition to the state’s welcome infrastructure: road signs proudly proclaiming the “Free State of Florida.” As visitors enter Florida’s state line, they are greeted with these bold markers of Floridian pride and liberty.

Proud Floridians believe this isn’t just a sign; it’s a statement. A declaration. It signals to every visitor that they are entering a state where freedom is celebrated, and individual liberties are respected.

But it doesn’t stop there. As you prepare to leave, another message catches your eye: “Hurry Back to the Free State of Florida.” 

Gotta love our Governor … because we believe he had something to do with this.  Surely the FDOT didn’t think this exciting statement up by themselves!

In an era where many states are bogged down by overregulation and bureaucratic red tape, Florida stands out as a bastion of freedom and welcome. These signs are more than just metal and paint; they are a testament to the state’s values and a warm invitation to experience the unparalleled charm and liberty that Florida offers.

In the Free State of Florida, freedom isn’t just an idea – it’s a way of life.


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