In a startling turn of events, the keystone cops who run the Capitol Police force are setting up regional offices in Florida and California to protect politicians against threats. Don’t we already have FBI and Secret Service offices to do the very same thing? Why would we need another “police force” to protect politicians when the very same politicians are calling for defunding the police?
Isn’t this hypocritical? Isn’t this an overplay of thug tactics on the little people. We believe so and we claim the Capitol Police are keystone cops based on the fact they were the ones who opened the doors of the Capitol on January 6th and let in the people who they now call “insurrectionists.” Check out this video
Capitol Police need to address this video and explain why the police behaved this way. This will clear up the issue and help with the defense of innocent bystanders and Trump supporters who thought it was okay to enter the Capitol.
We reached out to our former Sheriff and now Congressman John Rutherford for his take on this news. He said…
Although the United States Capitol Police, charged with protecting the Congress, have primary jurisdiction within the Capitol complex, they also have jurisdiction within the DC area and the entire United States, including its Territories when fulfilling the duty of protecting Congressional members. As an example, in fulfilling that duty the USCP Officers often travel with Congressional members during Congressional Delegation trips.
The USCP currently are not covered by the Freedom of Information Act because they are exempted as members of the legislative branch.
However, the House Administrative Committee is currently reviewing their FOIA EXEMPTION and the need for additional transparency, especially when acting outside of the Capitol complex. I agree that additional transparency is necessary and I believe the USCP should be subject to FOIA as any other law enforcement agency. I know that after the events of 6 January, the House Administration Committee is reviewing the leadership structure of the USCP, the CAPITOL POLICE BOARD, and their duties and responsibilities.
I have not been briefed on the decision to create Regional USCP Offices in Florida and California and am not convinced this is a necessary and appropriate expenditure of tax dollars.
I’m also unaware of any House Administration Committee hearings or decisions concerning creation of Regional USCP Offices.
Note: He was not briefed on this idea nor aware of the creation of regional offices. This is absolutely unacceptable for Nancy Pelosi and her gang to plan this overreach and our Congressman – a former Sheriff no less – was not informed.
We are hopeful Rep. Rutherford will check into this new news to him and get to the bottom of the matter. This affects not only him as a Congressman but everyone who is a citizen of the United States. We do not need anymore Deep State operatives in charge of our lives.
It’s time for all Congressmen to stand up for us and protect us from unconstitutional deep state tactics. Maybe our very own Sheriff in Congress will lead the charge for us?