When Walt Disney was alive, he wanted to entertain children and families. Now that he is dead, the vast empire he created with that credo has turned against families and the American culture that Walt venerated.
Disney has embraced the woke culture with all of its most disgusting aspects.
The original Disneyland, which opened near Los Angeles in 1955 and the spectacular Walt Disney World that opened near Orlando more than 50 years ago were amazing tributes to American culture and history. At the same time, they delighted boys and girls from all over the world.
Because he idolized American culture and was a great patriot, the anti-American left hated Disney and his theme parks. But Disney died in 1965 and the corporate culture at the company he founded has changed dramatically.
The films it produced today are a far cry from Snow White, Bambi, Cinderella and Pinocchio. They now embrace violence and border on pornography.
Disney no longer welcomes “boys and girls” to its theme parks for children.
In keeping with the new Far Left political stance it has taken, the company now is actively opposing Gov. Rick DeSantis and the Florida Legislature, which has been working to protect the rights of parents and families.
The intact nuclear family is one of the greatest threats to the Far Left, which depends on fracturing America to form the many coalitions it counts upon.
So, the Disney company is lying about a bill just enacted, and vows to have it overturned.
The legislation prohibits Florida teachers from discussing topics like sexual orientation or gender identity with students unless they’re in the fourth grade or higher. Contrary to the lies, it does not prohibit saying “gay.” That word is not even in the bill.
Talking to very young children about their genitals would be considered child abuse by many Americans, yet the Disney company not only accepts it but demands that it be done.
Imagine: A California company that became fabulously rich by locating its main attraction in Florida, adopting the values of its birth state to oppose the officials elected by Florida residents, who overwhelmingly support them and the new law.
Gov. Ron DeSantis is having none of it.
“If you are in one of these corporations, if you’re a woke CEO, you want to get involved in our legislative business, look, it’s a free country,” the Florida Republican said last June. “But understand, if you do that, I’m fighting back against you. And I’m going to make sure that people understand your business practices, and anything I don’t like about what you’re doing.”
Recently, DeSantis said, “This state is governed by the interests of the people of the state of Florida. It is not based on the demands of California corporate executives. They do not run this state. They do not control this state.”
Legislators thought the new law necessary because government schools in some places have “progressed” so far that they now seek to groom young children and persuade them to declare that they are a different sex, which is biologically impossible.
How is that educating them in science or anything else?
With schools sexualizing children, dividing them racially and politicizing them incessantly at the same time mega-corporations are putting their stockholders and customer’s best interests aside to engage in cheap, partisan politics, America is becoming far different than it was on Walt Disney’s Main Street U.S.A. – so different that a red-hot backlash has formed among American parents and families.
The outcome will be far more important than who wins the Russian-Ukraine War.