America needs prosecutors who protect victims, not criminals
Anyone who reads or watches the local media would think that violent crime is out
Anyone who reads or watches the local media would think that violent crime is out
Every day we see another news story about how Jacksonville’s leaders are trying to fleece
There are a lot of programs intended to fight crime. Too many cost taxpayers a
Jacksonville’s Emerald Trail project is under way – expensive, unnecessary and potentially dangerous but still
Based on the theory that there is a link between blight and crime, a bill
Many Jacksonville residents were jolted when they saw a graphic suggesting Jacksonville is a dangerous
Crime is rising in Jacksonville and liberals are pointing their fingers in the wrong direction.
Another young man is dead in Jacksonville as a result of making poor choices. This
Everyone wants to minimize violence, especially now when gangs of radicals are rioting in the
He may be in his 70s and looking back at a half-century of political involvement,
The local media in Jacksonville is going through another spate of hand-wringing over the crime
While Jacksonville residents are watching TV and retiring for the night there is a lot
Criminals continue to conduct violence, as they always have and always will. Jacksonville is employing
Lloyd “Scoop” Brown has been writing on Eye on Jacksonville about the lack of arrests
Jacksonville is not the crime capital of Florida, despite the occasional hysteria in the local
In the most recent report, Duval County continues to lead the state in doing little