Heavy effort by local GOP brought out conservative voters
In the last hour of voting Tuesday night, Dean Black got word from a member
In the last hour of voting Tuesday night, Dean Black got word from a member
The hoary story about the frog who was placed in a pot of cold water
Blake Harper says his mission is to do what he says all Americans should be
There may be a backlash forming in the City Council against the unending demands from
Another bill has been tossed into the legislative hopper by Council Member Garrett Dennis, who
City Council President Sam Newby deserves a big Wink for ending a series of meetings
Clearly, the city’s process for donating your money to charity is out of kilter. It
Ben Frazier, head of a group known as the Northside Coalition, is continuing his quest
Jacksonville’s city government has a new budget for the fiscal year beginning Friday that calls
City Council Member Garrett Dennis is becoming the fountainhead of bad bills. While they may
“Hang in there, buddy.” That was the last communication I had with Tommy Hazouri. It
Local voters who were looking forward to Jerry Holland running for mayor were dismayed when
Another special committee of the City Council created for dubious reasons is muddling along. It
City Council has made it official. Property taxes will go up. The tax rate will
Mass transit fans may have been dismayed when funding for the Skyway was diverted to
Come January, Jacksonville residents will begin paying twice as much in local taxes on the