Shooting at high school football game: Pray for our children

High school Friday night football started last night in Jacksonville. We all remember some of our best high school memories where we screamed for our team, sat with our friends in uncomfortable bleachers and pretended to ignore the glances of a potential boyfriend or girlfriend sitting nearby. The innocence of our youth was beginning to move into a new direction of adulthood and we could not have been more excited or nervous.

Those memories are not what our grandchildren will remember. Instead, those who attended last night’s football game between First Coast High and Ribault will remember Friday night football where they screamed out of fear, running for their lives with the sound of gunfire ringing in their ears.

Once again, the culture of today has taken away the innocence of yesterday and we pray somehow, someway we can find our way back to a time where fear did not rule our lives and hatred did not rule our hearts.

Today we understand JSO was alerted to potential fights at the school. They increased security at the game and because they were onsite they were able to take down a suspect who started shooting into the crowd as they left the football game.

This video showed up on social media and we are not sure who the original poster was. What we do know is this: It was a horrible experience for everyone there.

Friends and followers…when we took prayer out of school, so began the long decline to where we are today. Prove me wrong.

Parents – do not send your children off to school or school activities without a prayer of protection around them and a hug to remind them they are loved. We also encourage you to get involved in your local school system by volunteering in the classroom or joining parental groups such as Moms for Liberty and activate your parental rights within the educational system.

Here is the video. Warning: It is disturbing.

Billie Tucker Volpe

Billie Tucker Volpe Founder of Eye on Jacksonville and Leadership Consultant to CEOs/Executives.

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2 responses to “Shooting at high school football game: Pray for our children”

  1. This is so sad. Thank you for your post I had not heard about this. My kids are grown but concerned for my young grands whom I want to be able to go and enjoy the fun of high school football games and gatherings. Thankful that jso was there but can’t erase the fear that those kids experienced.

  2. In an epidemic of gun violence usually between 15 and 25 years old probably 98% young males. I hope that all people can try to starting with your children and then with your children to your mother and father in your house talking about violence. After that you talk about people who are peers who need to say no more about the violence in the shooting in all of Jacksonville. It was an epidemic for years and now it’s got even worse now.

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