Sheriff Waters Stands Strong Against Mayor Deegan’s Holocaust Remark as Trump Outlines Plan to Deport Criminal Illegals

After Mayor Deegan’s controversial comments comparing Donald Trump’s immigration plans to “concentration camps,” Jacksonville’s city leaders swiftly condemned her remarks.

However, her remarks created an even uglier turn when a racist banner was flown over downtown Jacksonville, targeting Sheriff Waters with a message that only deepened the divisive rhetoric.

“Repugnant-con Coward TK Waters Turned White”

Sheriff Waters, who has the responsibility to protect the citizens of Jacksonville, deserves better than this kind of attack. The offensive banner, which cost $700 to fly, was not only a cowardly act but also an example of how extreme and reckless the rhetoric has become. The individual behind it chose to remain anonymous, further showing a lack of integrity.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has outlined his detailed plan for mass deportations if re-elected in 2025. His focus is on illegal immigrants involved in criminal activities.

The key elements of Trump’s plan include

  1. Restoring Title 42 and Strengthening Immigration Policies: Trump aims to reinstate Title 42, a policy that allowed for the swift expulsion of migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic under public health emergency rules. This would allow for immediate deportation of illegal immigrants and criminals, bypassing the lengthy legal processes currently in place.
  2. Deploying Military and Federal Law Enforcement: Trump has proposed deploying the U.S. military and federal law enforcement agencies to assist in rounding up and deporting criminal illegal aliens. His plan emphasizes the use of federal resources to track and apprehend individuals involved in gangs, drug trafficking, and other criminal activities. Trump has referred to this as a way to “restore law and order” across the nation.
  3. Ending Sanctuary City Policies: The plan also targets sanctuary cities that provide protection to illegal immigrants, preventing local authorities from cooperating with federal immigration enforcement. Trump seeks to remove federal funding from these cities to force compliance with deportation efforts.
  4. Legal and Judicial Reforms: Trump has suggested reforms in immigration courts to expedite hearings for deportations. He plans to streamline the legal process by increasing the number of immigration judges and processing cases more quickly to prevent backlogs that delay deportations.
  5. Building on Border Security: Central to his plan is the completion of the border wall, which Trump believes is crucial for stopping the flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S. He promises to reinforce border security measures to prevent future illegal crossings, along with using surveillance technology and enhanced monitoring.

Trump believes that these actions are crucial to addressing the rising crime associated with illegal immigration and restoring safety across the nation.

We stand with Trump in recognizing the importance of this issue and applaud Sheriff Waters for speaking out against Mayor Deegan’s dangerous rhetoric. As someone dedicated to keeping our city safe, Sheriff Waters understands that removing criminals from our streets is the key to reducing violence.

Billie Tucker Volpe

Billie Tucker Volpe Founder of Eye on Jacksonville and Leadership Consultant to CEOs/Executives.


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