A business partner invited me to attend the Fundraising Gala for Operation New Uniform™. It was a wonderful experience and the guest speaker was Lt. Col. Oliver North. (A lovely patriot with huge battle scars, a war hero and a witty sense of humor!!)
I was awed by the organization’s mission and the well run gala they provided to the attendees. What a beautiful night!
Afterwards I knew Operation New Uniform would receive a salute and a big WINK from Eye on Jacksonville for their heart-felt mission serving our Veterans!
Operation New Uniform™ was formed in 2013 by Michele McManamon in response to the growing needs of veterans and their families as they transitioned from the military. While wearing a military uniform, service members from all branches and backgrounds share a sense of pride and confidence in their knowledge, skills and abilities and yet, returning to the private sector has been tough on these special patriots.
Operation New Uniform™, comprised of successful veterans, corporate professionals and accomplished educators, exists to ensure veterans are prepared to wear a “new uniform” and support them in their pursuit of professional goals. To that end, Operation New Uniform™ was founded, bridging the gap between the confidence felt and skills obtained in a military uniform and those needed to thrive in the business community.
Since their inception, they have helped “train” Veterans to obtain careers outside the military and help them adjust to wearing their new “uniforms” in the private sector.
The Veterans in the room were nodding their heads in agreement when the stories were told of the countless closed-doors of “No Thank Yous” veterans received as they applied for jobs. I had no idea this was such a big issue and it made me feel incredibly sad for our warriors. This should not be a problem — yet it is — and thank you to UNO for having their backs!
North Florida is a military town and there are many organizations who serve our Veterans. They all deserve a Salute and a WINK on Veterans Day and throughout the year.
Eye on Jacksonville will be posting information about various Veteran Organizations on the First Coast in our newsletter and on our social media platforms so we can give out well-deserved WINKS to these remarkable missions serving our Veterans.
And today — we ask that you join us on this Veterans Day Weekend and make any donation you feel led to make to help a Veteran secure his next mission in the private sector. Consider making any sized donation on Operation New Uniform’s website at: https://onuvets.org/
Thank you to Michele McManamom for stepping up and seeing a need. That calls for a well-deserved WINK!!