Extremists in public education who are determined to exert control over children entrusted to them apparently are going undercover to carry on their work as parents fight for their rights.

One example is school counselors. Parents need to keep an Eye on them.

“Know the rules so you can break them” appears to be one tactic the Far Left is employing, based on that clip.

Unlike curriculum and textbooks, counseling is conducted out of sight.

Apparently, the scope of school counseling has changed in the past 25 years as more government schools have submitted to the “woke” movement.

In 1998 according to a pamphlet published by the American School Counselor Association, this was the official position:

“School counselors do not indoctrinate or willfully transition students. We want nothing more in this world than to help and support students.”

A counselor “refrains from consciously encouraging the counselee’s acceptance of values, lifestyles, plans decisions, and beliefs that represent the counselor’s personal orientation,” the association said in its ethical standards.

But by 2021, the association was saying “It is an expectation, not the exception for school counselors to integrate multiculturalism and social justice perspective into their work as advocates and leaders.”

The association also has embraced the poisonous Critical Race Theory.

Michelle Malkin wrote a column about the association, singling out a counselor named Carolyn Stone, who worked in local schools for 22 years. Stone is a past president of the association and now is a professor at the University of North Florida.

Fortunately, at least two local organizations are monitoring the government schools in Jacksonville and the School Board is moving back toward the center of the political spectrum.

Parents who prefer to have their children educated rather than indoctrinated in all the latest liberal fads need to become aware and get involved. Attend or watch School Board meetings and vote in School Board elections to counter the powerful effect teacher unions and other leftwing organizations have on the politicians.

Lloyd Brown

Lloyd was born in Jacksonville. Graduated from the University of North Florida. He spent nearly 50 years of his life in the newspaper business …beginning as a copy boy and retiring as editorial page editor for Florida Times Union. He has also been published in a number of national newspapers and magazines, as well as Internet sites. Married with children. Military Vet. Retired. Man of few words but the words are researched well, deeply considered and thoughtfully written.

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