Malleable law is being used in latest Trump attack

At one time there were only three federal crimes: treason, piracy and counterfeiting.

Today there are thousands, and one of the most problematic is the RICO law, enacted in 1970 in what might have been a well-intentioned effort to nab mob bosses. The name was chosen to match the “Rico” who was a gangster in the 1930s movie Little Ceasar.

Georgia enacted its own version in 1981 and it will be used to prosecute Donald Trump, the leading Republican candidate for president in 2024 and former president of the United States.

It is being used in what is without a doubt a widespread Deep State effort to keep Trump from being re-elected.

Despite its intent, once in came in the purview of lawyers, it became a weapon that could be used against business owners and even church congregations.

‘For every John Gotti who is brought down by RICO, many obscure business owners and managers are also successfully prosecuted under this law,” The Independent Review said.

The RICO law greatly expanded the government’s powers, allowing it to prosecute people who display “a pattern of racketeering activity.” That quaint phrase literally can mean anything the government wants it to mean.

It also relies on “derivative” actions, which are actions growing out of other crimes. But if you are guilty of an actual crime, why do you need to be prosecuted under yet another law?

“In reality, RICO acts as an arbitrary penalty enhancer and prosecutorial bargaining tool. A violation of RICO is a crime of convenience—for prosecutors, that is,” The Independent Review said.

Civil libertarians have been opposed to this law for decades. And with good reason. Both the Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times have been critics of the law.

The Biden administration, the corrupt DOJ and the Georgia Democrat Party intend to crush Trump by any means they can.

Lloyd Brown

Lloyd was born in Jacksonville. Graduated from the University of North Florida. He spent nearly 50 years of his life in the newspaper business …beginning as a copy boy and retiring as editorial page editor for Florida Times Union. He has also been published in a number of national newspapers and magazines, as well as Internet sites. Married with children. Military Vet. Retired. Man of few words but the words are researched well, deeply considered and thoughtfully written.


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