Majority should rule, Jacksonville congressman says

John Rutherford, who represents a large part of Jacksonville in the U.S. House, is embroiled in the furor over choosing a speaker. His position has gotten a lot of flak from local conservatives.

Eye on Jacksonville asked Rutherford to explain his position.

“Here’s how I got to where I am,” he said.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy put before the House a short-term, stopgap funding bill that would keep the government funded through Oct. 31 at a 30 percent reduction in nondefense discretionary spending while we pass the last eight single-subject appropriations bills, he said.

That bill would secure the border, remove dangerous criminals entering our country illegally, and fund Republican priorities outlined in H.R. 2, our Secure the Border Act. It would create a Fiscal Commission focused on debt reduction to make a real impact on cutting our $33 trillion debt, Rutherford said.

“Republicans took that bill down. They wanted a government shutdown. So, McCarthy put a less conservative continuing resolution on the floor to avert a shutdown. For this McCarthy is out?

“In nine months, the House passed a Parental Rights bill, energy independence, Secure the Southern border and the list of Appropriations, single subject bills with significant cuts. Looks like pretty good leadership to me.

“Then, eight Republicans worked with AOC, Tahlib and all 210 Democrats to take down a Republican speaker, which all started with the Big Lie that there were no single subject Appropriation bills and little spending cuts.

“So there is the Big Lie and now we must “STOP THE STEAL”.

Rutherford said Rep. Steve Scalise beat Jim Jordan in a head-to-head race but Jordan refused to accept the outcome of the election.

“Now they are trying to make the loser the winner. Where is majority rule that true Republicans believe in? We are all in Congress by majority rule. But Jordan doesn’t have to follow majority rule in the speakers race? That’s wrong. They should follow the majority, like I was doing.

“Mark my words: Jordan is sending us back to the minority and then who will be in the House to stop the Democrats?

“We have rules or we don’t. I’ve spent my whole life enforcing the law and enforcing rules and holding law breakers and rule breakers accountable,” the former sheriff said.

“I have not changed one bit, but many I know are now willing to break the rules for their guy. I will not.”

Rutherford said the fix is easy: Hold a head-to-head race — McCarthy and anyone else.

“I promise to support the winner 100 percent as long as those eight rogues agree to follow the winner.”

“I voted for Scalise because he beat Jim Jordan. The integrity of the institution demands we follow the rules. It’s not easy, but I believe it’s right.”

Since the floor vote, there are more than 20 no votes for Jordan, Rutherford said.

“Jordan should should step aside, like Scalise. We all want to get to a consensus candidate so we can do our work for the country.

“We are asking for another floor vote now to show the conference is not there for Jordan.

“We need to get to work.”

Lloyd Brown

Lloyd was born in Jacksonville. Graduated from the University of North Florida. He spent nearly 50 years of his life in the newspaper business …beginning as a copy boy and retiring as editorial page editor for Florida Times Union. He has also been published in a number of national newspapers and magazines, as well as Internet sites. Married with children. Military Vet. Retired. Man of few words but the words are researched well, deeply considered and thoughtfully written.


3 responses to “Majority should rule, Jacksonville congressman says”

  1. Rep. Rutherford, what the heck are you talking about? What rule was broken? Did Scalise get 218 votes? Isn’t that the rule? Why are you talking about getting the majority? What’s your plan congressman? You claim Rep. Gaetz voted with the Democrats to remove Mr McCarthy. Aren’t you working with the Democrats now to keep the seat vacant? Who is this consensus candidate you speak of? We need some answers, and we expect them now, from you. Get back to work. Please stop this petty nonsense.

  2. John Rutherford is trying to appease those who have offices on K Street (the lobbyists) in D.C.. He’s a DC Swamp Rat and represents them and not his constituents here in Florida.

  3. Thanks for calling a spade a spade. We returned Rutheford’s “press release” on this subject unpublished. I informed his aide that we wouldn’t print this crap if he paid us to — something he never does, by the way. I also took the opportunity to suggest that he either get back to work or get back to retirement.

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