Scandalous, offensive, cruel, repugnant, one-way ticket to hell, and morally reprehensible. Those are just a few of the feels felt after watching a local reporter’s spectacular investigation into the Jacksonville Transportation Authority.
The Jacksonville Transportation Authority is a public service, funded by us, charged with serving us. All they have to do is pick people up on time and drop them off. That’s it.
JTA’s failure to do just that led to Action News Jax Emily Turner’s must watch hour-long special, Taken for a Ride.
The JTA caught my ‘Eye’ last year after learning about the authority’s ridiculous $400 million U2C plan. (Read more here: and here: (
I easily understood after writing several articles on the topic and stopping by one JTA U2C promotional event, how ridiculous the plan really is and how it will never work. I didn’t realize the U2C boondoggle was only one tiny little tip of JTA’s wasteful spending iceberg.
Turner’s incredible work as well as Eye on Jacksonville’s articles reveal, JTA sucks at giving people rides but is really good at spending public money.
According to Taken for a Ride, the agency is logging fewer trips, fewer miles, operating fewer vehicles, spending twice as much as other transit systems, and still following COVID protocols. It will not be safe enough to return to full pre-COVID operations until January 2025. That’s 1,743 days for Jacksonville’s public transportation system to flatten the curve, all thanks to JTA’s CEO, Nat Ford, prioritizing “safety” over “on time performance.”

JTA’s 2024 operational budget is now up to a whopping $155,604,039 after a $7 million increase and the agency still can’t manage to pick people up on time, if at all.
If their spending isn’t helping people get from point A to point B via Jacksonville’s public transportation system, then where is it going?
A nice chunk is spent on something the JTA calls “sponsorships.” The so-called “sponsorships” have nothing to do with public transportation and are nothing more than payouts to organizations JTA board members are involved with, want something from, or to show JTA isn’t racist, allegedly of course.
The Authority justified these cash giveaways in a statement sent to Turner: “JTA’s commitment to service within our community is woven into the social fabric of northeast Florida and is expressed through our partnerships, support, and donations to organizations that also serve our community.”
Okay. So what organizations are “woven” so tightly into our “social fabric” board members must give them public money to continue serving us with our own tax dollars?
Billion-dollar professional sport teams.
According to public records, between 2019 – 2023, JTA gave $12,000 to the PGA Tour, $39,000 to the IceMen and more than $300,000 to the Jaguars.
In return for all that Jags “sponsorship” cash public records reveal, the football team serves our community by giving JTA employees free tickets and a sideline pass. The Jags also give back to our community by reminding fans the city has a public transportation system throughout the gameday experience. Fans get to walk by a JTA bus parked outside the stadium’s entrance, walk by two different “advertising panels” featuring JTA’s logo inside the stadium, and for 30 seconds each quarter when our public transportation’s logo is displayed around the field on the LED screen thingies. We also get to foot the bill so JTA can be the “Presenting Partner of ‘Game Ball Delivery’,” during the game.
JTA employee perks and expensive marketing campaigns fans don’t notice are woven so tightly into our city’s social fabric, it’s totally cool buses allegedly leave even more people stranded after game days.
JTA also gave hundreds of thousands in public money to the Downtown Vision Inc., First Coast Business Alliance, University of South Florida, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc., Clay County Chamber of Commerce Inc., Beaches Council on Ageing, Women’s Center of Jacksonville, Boy Scouts of America, MOSH, and Jacksonville University. JTA even gave the “President & Artistic Directors Office” of the Jacksonville Children’s Chorus $35,000.
A group called Florida’s Public Transportation Association received $150,000.00 from JTA for a statewide “educational” campaign. JTA’s CEO and JTA board member Aundra Wallace serve on Florida’s Public Transportation Association’s board.

The Transit Authority paid $30,000 to sponsor a few events put on by an autonomous vehicle group to which JTA’s CEO is also on the Board.
JTA gave $3,500 to sponsor the First Coast Business Hall of Fame. JTA board member Ari Jolly was named in the Class of 2024’s “Hall of Fame.” So, she basically paid for her own award with our money.

The Urban Land Institute received $45,000 in sponsorships from JTA. JTA Board Member Wallace also serves on the Urban Land Institute’s board.
JTA also helps Jacksonville’s mayor reverse pretend systemic racism by funding a lot of stuff just for black people.
According to public records, JTA gives the Jacksonville NAACP branch $5 grand every year to pay for its “Freedom Fund Dinner,” as well as a $10,000 gift to the United Negro College Fund’s “Masked Ball,” annual event. The transportation authority also gives thousands of dollars to help several minority fraternities play golf and Andrew Jackson’s football team play football. JTA also gave the Duval County School Board $5,000 to sponsor Raines & Ribault’s annual rivalry football classic.
The Jacksonville Children’s Chorus received a $5,000 “Lift Ev’ry Voice & Sing Sponsorship.” That $5 grand paid for a couple dozen white kids and, from what I can see maybe three black kids who made up the Jacksonville Children’s Chorus at the time, perform the Lift Ev’ry Voice & Sing poem outside wearing black masks. That $5 grand also paid for the masked children to sing indoors, hopefully to a masked and safely distanced audience. Watch here:
JTA handed over $275,000 to the DuPont Foundation so the DuPont Foundation could give it to Jacksonville’s $4 million “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing Park,” built by the COJ, which, you guessed it, we also fund.
This is a noticeable redundant pattern: A publicly funded entity, funds another publicly funded entity and then that publicly funded entity gives it back to the publicly funded entity that took it from taxpayers in the first place. No one notices and no one cares.
Public money goes full circle again with JTA’s $100,000 sponsorship of the beaches ride service, Go Tuk’n, and a $30,000 donation to the Art Republic, which is responsible for all the art murals around town featuring only one demographic. During an interview, Art Republic’s CEO said her artists began focusing on race-based art after studying “historical narratives.” Meaning propaganda. She also revealed Go Tuki’n is Art Republic’s “official mural sponsor.”
The Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville needed free money for some art awards event, so JTA pitched in $3,500. JTA board member Jolly is on the board of the Cultural Council along with the JTA CEO’s wife.

Taxpayers also paid a local marketing group via JTA, $15,000 for a “Silver Sponsorship” of the 2021 Florida Black Expo and upped it to $30,000 in 2022. That same year the Authority handed over $10,000 to One Place Ministries Inc., so they could give it back to the COJ to help pay for the Jacksonville Juneteenth Celebration.
In 2022 JTA paid $6,250 for a March – May Promotional Partnership with Jacksonville’s Black Information Network. Not that it matters, but the BIN is owned by iHeart Radio which is worth more than $350 million.
JTA even paid the city of Jacksonville, more than once, to put on the city’s annual “Unifying” MLK Breakfast taxpayers already fund. During last year’s event Mayor Donna Deegan told the audience how terrible life is for minorities living in Jacksonville because of systemic racism. I emailed Team Deegan eight months ago asking for clarification on the speech’s unprovable claims. Still nothing. More on Deegan’s MLK speech here:
JTA gave another $5,000 so the local branch of the NAACP could host its own MLK event, virtually!
JTA doesn’t leave out the ladies, giving $5,000 to a local “African ancestry” women’s group called The Links, so they could enjoy an “Evening of Smooth Jazz,” on the taxpayer’s dime. JTA board member and professional race hustler, Patricia Sams is the Program Director for The Links.

JEA’s former “diversity change agent,” said in a self-promoting video her most guilty pleasure is going to “Starbuck” because she is a “Starbuck girl.” Not really sure what a Starbuck is, but Sams is a fan. Watch here: She is also the owner of a DEI consulting firm called the Legacy League and a podcaster. The website says Sams is the “Founder/CEO of The Sistah Covenant, a platform for women of color to empower other women of color.” On the first episode of the series Sams and another woman discuss how women of color’s DNA has allowed them to become the “highest achieving female group on the face of the planet,” despite being the most “underrepresented.” Now, WOC are finally getting the “recognition” and “assistance” they need because “melanin poppin’ black girl magic has paved the way.” Oh, and remember that democrat politician, Andrew Gillum, who police found puking in a hotel room with a half-dead gay hooker and several bags of crystal meth? He is Sams’ nephew. Donna Deegan proudly endorsed Gillum’s failed gubernatorial campaign against Ron DeSantis. Gillum tried to return the favor when Deegan ran for mayor, but his federal indictment for campaign finance fraud compelled her to return his campaign contribution. Let’s not forget Deegan called Gillum a “transformational once-in-a-generation candidate,” and confidently said “I believe one day he’ll be president.” She was shocked Gillum lost to DeSantis saying, “I still can’t wrap my head around it, to be honest.” “I can’t believe that Florida is going to miss out on him as governor,” Deegan said. Looking back, everyone should have figured out then Deegan is a terrible judge of character.
JTA donated $5,000 to the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO,) in 2021 to be one of eight Bronze Sponsors of the group’s virtual conference.
COMTO claims to be the “voice of equity in transportation,” and believes “diversity moves the nation.” The group wants to “ensure opportunities and maximum participation in the transportation industry” for everyone except white men.
In 2022, JTA paid the group $10,000 for a “Platinum” sponsorship of the annual “Women Who Move the Nation” event. That same year JTA board member Jolly, who isn’t a minority but is a woman, was named COMTO’s Public Transportation Honoree as part of the group’s “Celebrating Women Who Move the Nation” awards. JTA’s 2023 donation went back down to $5 grand.
JTA’s chief infrastructure and development officer & DEI lady Greer Gillis is one of Women Who Move the Nation Committee Members and named on the “Council of President’s” list in 2017.
JTA’s CEO’s wife, Mrs. Walker-Ford was also named as a “Past Honoree.” Walker-Ford is the V.P of WSP, which is listed as an “Industry Partner” with COMTO.
COMTO Week 2022 was held in Jacksonville. That year’s focus was on being an “equity champion.” During the conference, JTA’s CEO Nat Ford and JTA board member Aundra Wallace held an “intimate fireside chat about equity, economic growth, and the role of transportation in tying it all together in Northeast Florida.” The event’s promotional brochure spelled “Regency” incorrectly.

Christopher Macklin was listed as part of COMTO’s national leadership that same year. At the time, Macklin was serving as JTA’s disadvantaged business enterprise diversity compliance officer. WTF?! Is that a thing?
A 135-page document posted online proves yes, it is really a thing. It is JTA’s DEI SOP for DBE.
The document is called the “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Plan 2023 – 2025.” It is part of JTA’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Department. And yes, that is also a thing. According to JTA’s 2024 Budget Report the Diversity & Equity Division employs a chief diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging officer, a diversity compliance manager, a level 1 diversity compliance specialist as well as a level 2 diversity compliance specialist. Out of the division’s annual $785,324 budget, $730,114 is spent on payroll/benefits.
COMTO Week 2024 was back in Jacksonville earlier this month. The group got to once again celebrate “Equity in Transportation,” on our dime as well as an error free brochure.
JTA donated $1,000 to a group called the Young Professionals in Transportation for a “Bike Level Sponsorship,” of some event. Ford is on the board and his wife’s company, WSP USA, is also affiliated with the organization.
Young Professionals in Transportation believes public transportation is rooted in systemic racism. “Transportation has an element of systemic racism that has allowed racism, discrimination, and intolerance to sustain itself,” the group’s website states. I also learned from the group’s website public transportation was created by and designed for white straight men, who are not handicapped, and use he/him pronouns. White people must “address” racism in public transit, so POC feel safe within “modes of transportation” and are no longer “systematically targeted for demise.” They also want everyone to stop post-COVID “Asian and Pacific Islander hate,” because “HATE is HATE.”
According to public records it appears JTA’s board has spent more than $1,094,826.67 on DEI related sponsorships between 2019 and 2023.
The Jacksonville Transportation Authority also spends a ton of public money on minority-owned consulting firms to teach executive leadership how to operate JTA and how not to be racist when doing so.
One of those “strategic partnerships” is with a consulting firm called Dream Builders Communication Inc., (DBC). The company has pulled in some serious cash from JTA since 2019.
Ford said in a promotional video, “By working hand in hand with strategic partners like Dream Builders, we build a network that strengthens our ability to deliver on our mission.”
Okay. So, what’s the mission and why does it need strengthening?
According to the website, JTA’s mission: “To enhance Northeast Florida’s economy, environment, and quality of life for all by providing safe, reliable, innovative, sustainable, and dignified mobility solutions and facilities,”
Hmmm, nothing on sponsorships, DEI, or consulting firms.
Well, what about Dream Builders?
The company promotes itself as a full-service consulting firm. However, online searches reveal the firm seems to only specialize in one certain type of “consulting.”

A self-promoting post on a tech website claims DBC uses a variety of tactics to make people “self-aware of their biases” and other “hidden” personality traits. The company provides a “renewed focus” for organizations on DEI strategies within “professional and organizational development.” DBC’s founder and CEO Kenston J. Griffin thinks businesses and nonprofits’ hearts are “beating for D&I.” Unfortunately, leadership teams don’t have the “knowledge” or the “tools required” to restructure organizations nonracistly.
That’s where Griffin steps in.
Coaching JTA execs on how to do their jobs and where they fall in the “equity spectrum” ain’t cheap.
Dream Builders prefers its consulting fees and contracts remain confidential, so don’t tell anyone they are subject to public record.
According to public records, a four-month agreement with DBC reveals JTA paid the company $54,000 for what appears to be about 38 hours of contracted work. During that time, executive leadership learned about “Understanding Small Women Veteran and Minority owned business,” and “Effective time, task and communication management of Minority Owned Businesses.”
DBC also taught the authority’s executive leadership team about the “Emotional Intelligence of Equitable Practices.” According to the internet, ‘emotional intelligence of equitable practices’ creates a more “inclusive” workspace by addressing “unconscious biases.” Meaning DBC is paid to convince JTA’s leadership they are racist without even realizing it and paid to teach everyone how not to secretly hate each other after teaching everybody they unconsciously do. The leadership team also took an hour-long class on “Celebrating Employee Differences,” and “Listening and Communicating with Employee Ideas.”
Another four-month agreement revealed JTA paid Griffin’s company $180,000 to collect data, review data, and host meetings throughout 2022.
Records show cash from a $7,500 contract was spent on “Intelligence Gathering Conversations.”
It cost $10,000 for DBC to explain why teamwork is a “staple” during a “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work” retreat. Another half day retreat was needed so JTA executives could learn: “What is Highly Effective Teamwork.”
In 2022, JTA paid Griffin’s company $198,000 for coaching the executive leadership team on how to problem solve and strengthen two-way communication. Executives were also coached on “equity, inclusion, access, belonging and diversity.”
After 12 months of “coaching”, JTA’s executive leadership should have possessed “emotional intelligence,” “personality awareness,” “work life balance,” and “operational efficiency.” However, it doesn’t seem like they did because another year of coaching was needed.
This time around, Griffin’s company needed $215,000.00 to get the authority’s top players into shape.
It is difficult to understand why highly paid executives, who have risen to the top of their field, do not know how to communicate or listen to employees, suffer from hidden racist thoughts/personalities and have no idea how to engage with business owners who aren’t white dudes.
When added up, public records reveal JTA spent more than $1,000,000 on Griffin’s consulting services within five years.
And Dream Builders isn’t the only consulting firm doing business with JTA. The Authority had several contracts with a local consulting firm owned by minority women. Based off a few public records, JTA has paid C. Robinson Associates, Inc. (CRAI) more than $600,000 for important things top executives can’t figure out like; “better insight into employee health and culture,” mystery shopper compliance programs, and making up questions for employee surveys.
Public records show CRAI hired “Mystery Riders,” to ride only half of a scheduled route via one of JTA’s transit systems and then complete a report determining ADA compliance and ridership experience. JTA’s current bus fare is $1.75. CRAI charged JTA $70 a fare. CRAI even charged $70 per ride on the Skyway, which is free. According to the $62,000 contract, CRAI charged $14,000 for 200 rides, $6,000 for administration, and $56,000 on “annual shops.”
After all the time and public money spent making sure JTA’s executive leadership team can operate the authority on their own and aren’t racist, we can only assume such an expensive reeducation program was needed.

I find it quite odd an executive leadership team consisting of two black guys, a black woman, one Hispanic guy and a white dude, all highly educated and highly paid, need to pay another highly educated, wealthy POC more than a million dollars to teach them how to operate the Authority and to do so nonracistly.
Even Jacksonville’s second highest paid city employee — Ford, who isn’t white — needed $215,000 worth of “coaching” from Griffin, who also isn’t white, to help him figure out the transportation authority’s “Strategic Plan” as well as how to implement it nonracistly.
Perhaps the only white person serving on JTA’s executive leadership team was holding everyone back. Recently, JTA’s super sexy Chief Operating Officer Mr. Charles Frazier left the Authority and Jeffrey H. Smith – who isn’t white or healthy – stepped in as Senior VP & COO.

Meaning JTA’s entire executive leadership team is entirely made up of minorities. Now all of JTA’s DEI angels have their wings.
If anything, the JTA board might have benefitted from Griffin’s work. Five, out of seven, are white.
Mayor Deegan shows nothing but love for Ford. Of course, it has nothing to do with JTA’s $20,000 “sponsorship” of the Donna Foundation, only after the foundation’s founder became mayor. I’m sure the cash totally went to “research.” Anyways, Team Deegan gushed in a statement sent to Turner: “Under Nat Ford’s leadership, JTA has brought $186 million to Jacksonville since 2016. Additionally, he and Mayor Deegan pitched together to bring home another $184 million on their recent trip to Washington D.C.”

Jax Chamber and City Council also has nothin’ but love.
JTA’s $9,500 “sponsorship” of the Jax Chamber’s leadership to take special trip and serve lunch no doubt contributes to its mission of service. Jolly serves on Jax Chamber’s Executive Committee. Board Members Harding and Wallace, as well as Mr. Ford are also board members of the Chamber. City Council President Ron Salem and Councilmen Darryl Willie are also on the board. Oh, I almost forgot, last year JTA gave $5,000 in public money to the “Ron Salem Installation Fund.” JTA also has a City Council liaison serving on its board. Councilmen Rahman Johnson (D), who called the authority’s leadership “experts” on camera, is JTA’s current liaison.

Johnson also serves on the council’s Land Use and Zoning and Rules Committees. He is also in favor of JTA’s silly U2C project.
Jax Chamber President Daniel Davis, J’ville’s worst political candidate ever, openly mocked JTA’s “naysayers,” saying “let them chirp.”
Well Dan, I’ve been chirping for more than a year now. Sadly, I’ve learned, and one local reporter has proven, as long as the cash rolls in nobody cares JTA’s customers are left at the bus stop while taxpayers are being taken for a ride.