Jacksonville’s airport is one of those being used to dump people who have invaded America at the southern border.
U.S. Rep. John Rutherford confirmed to Eye on Jacksonville reports that the “refugees” were being brought here.
He said about 1300 have offloaded here, most of them children. Not all will remain, as some will be bused to other cities.
Rutherford said it is all part of the refusal by the Democrat Party to protect America’s border.
He said Democrats actually have cut $960 million from border protection in the massive $3.5 trillion budget they are trying to pass with little or no Republican support.
Several states, including Texas, are protecting their own borders because of the federal government’s dereliction of duty.
Rutherford, who is on the House Appropriations Committee, tried to get $350 million in the budget to reimburse states for doing the work the federal government won’t do. Democrats would not even allow the proposal to come to a vote, he said.
Rutherford said the border situation is dire.
Just in July, 200,000 people crossed the border, he said, and since January, 1 million have crossed.
“That’s just the ones we know of,” he said. Many more presumably were not caught entering the United States.
Rutherford said 865,000 were sent back but the rest remain.
The invaders came from 150 different countries, he said.
He hailed the Supreme Court decision to reinstate President Trump’s “stay in Mexico” plan and said he would prevent many invasions.
Efforts to resume building the wall to protect America also have failed, he said.
Democrats are focused on ramming through the massive infrastructure bill and the “Green New Deal” that is packed with new socialist programs.
Rutherford is holding out hope that many of those will be stripped from the bill because they deal with policy, which is not allowed under the reconciliation process.
The Republican congressman also expressed hope that Democrats will lose the majority in the midterm elections next year.
“We need to hold all Democrats accountable,” he said. Rutherford said he has tried to be bipartisan but power-hungry Democrats simply are steamrolling the minority to get what they want.
Gov. Ron DeSantis today demanded that the Biden-Harris administration to stop the resettlement of illegal aliens in Florida.
“I have been to the border and I observed firsthand the chaos that this administration’s policies have created,” DeSantis said. “To fill the void left by the federal government, Florida deployed its own law enforcement officers to the border, and they’ve told that many of the illegal aliens apprehended there plan to end up in Florida. Floridians welcome responsible immigration that serves the interests of our citizens, but we cannot abide the lawlessness that this administration is aiding and abetting, and frankly encouraging, on the southwest border.”
He called Biden’s immigration program “fundamentally lawless.”