Florida to Feds: Keep Your Strings—DeSantis Sends Back Nearly $1 Trillion

How’s this story for surreal? In a highly Nazi-like, or possibly fascist fashion, Florida’s dictatorial Governor Ron DeSantis tried unsuccessfully for a year to return a trillion dollars in unwanted federal funds “because of the strings attached.” He repeatedly called Biden’s Governor Support hotline, and pressed ‘1,’ then ‘6’, then ‘5’, then pressed zero about twenty times but still couldn’t get the operator.

One time he actually got a person, but they only spoke Nepalese and didn’t understand when Governor DeSantis shouted “we don’t WANT the money!”

We don’t need your stinking handouts.

It’s not just historic. It may be the first time a state has refunded nearly a billion dollars voluntarily after already receiving it, and doing so for ideological and bureaucratic reasons rather than legal necessity. That makes it both unprecedented and politically explosive.

Jeff Childers

Jeff Childers is the president and founder of the Childers Law firm. Jeff interned at the Federal Bankruptcy Court in Orlando, where he helped write several widely-cited opinions. He then worked as an associate with the prestigious firm of Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman in Orlando and Winter Park, Florida before moving back to Gainesville and founding Childers Law. Jeff served for three years on the Board of Directors of the Central Florida Bankruptcy Law Association. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the Eighth Judicial Bar Association, and on the Rules Committee for the Northern District of Florida Bankruptcy Court. Jeff has published several articles as co-author with Professor William Page of the Levin College of Law (University of Florida) on the topic of anti-trust in the Microsoft case. He also is the author of an article on the topic of Product Liability in the Software Context. Jeff focuses his area of practice on commercial litigation, elections law, and constitutional issues. He is a skilled trial litigator and appellate advocate. http://www.coffeeandcovid.com/


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