There’s nothing politicians like better than to spend your money. They call this “investing.”
But, somehow, profits never land in your bank account.
You know what actually is investing?
It’s Dun & Bradstreet coming to Jacksonville.
It is the River’s Edge development on the Southbank.
It is the purchase of the old Times-Union building by a company that plans a major development on the site.
These are private companies investing their own money and hoping to make profit.
There are $2.9 billion worth of new projects in the works.
Arguably, the private sector is doing more for downtown redevelopment than politicians have in 50 years.
And, they are doing it without taking a dime out of anyone’s pockets.
While politicians talk endlessly, and plan endlessly and tax endlessly and spend endlessly, the private sector actually is doing something productive – creating wealth and jobs.
What is more, all that new development will produce heaps of new tax revenue for the city – money the politicians would have plucked from your pocket.
Some politicians can only see “neglect” and blight and the never-ending need to spend billions more.
Businessmen see possibilities.