Eye on Jacksonville sends a Big Wink to the City Council for taking up the issue of Human Trafficking in our community.
Unfortunately our state ranks third in the United States behind California and Texas for human trafficking cases AND Jacksonville is the third-largest human trafficking city in Florida.
What terrible news for our hometown and those affected by this tragedy.
There have been many people and organizations trying to get the word out about this “business” and they are shooed away because it is such a horrible fact to face.
We applaud the City Council for not turning their backs on the victims and for facing the hard truths and working together with community leaders from the Northeast Florida Human Trafficking Coalition.
The City Council will declare January as “Human Trafficking Awareness Month” and January 23rd will be set aside as “Human Trafficking Awareness Day.”
The City will also launch a community campaign called “Look Beneath the Surface” to identify trafficking victims.
You can educate yourself on this issue by following the Department of Justice’s website at: https://www.justice.gov/humantrafficking It’s such a big issue in our country that our Federal Government has to create informational portals for our citizens!
This issue transcends all walks of life, colors of skin and all genders. Let’s end this modern day slavery now.