Weeks late, CBS finally responded to Florida’s official guidance against the covid shots, with a hilariously ironic op-ed disguised as straight news, and headlined “Florida’s new COVID booster guidance is straight-up misinformation.”

Haha! The article’s first rollicking claim was that Florida —not CBS or its cadre of cherrypicked covid experts— has a “pattern of spreading misinformation.” Florida does! I laughed so hard I burst a blood vessel in my right eye.
Please. Misinformation superspreader CBS and it’s so-called experts, like the long-disgraced Paul Offit, have spread more misinformation than anybody.
The article seethed with Trump Derangement. Ostensibly about Florida’s recent anti-jab guidance, the carried-away reporter managed to drag in Robert Kennedy, Jr., and even somehow the left’s current object of hatred, so-called Project 2025.
How the writer connected Robert Kennedy and Project 2025 to Florida’s jab guidance was a work of Trump Derangement verging on modern art. (Hint: CBS thinks Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo is auditioning for a spot in a Trump Administration.)
But the most entertaining part was when the article tried to explain why Florida doctors aren’t criticizing the Department of Health in any great numbers. Guess what CBS claimed was the reason? Fear of professional retaliation. I am not making that up.

At long last, after four years of ignoring and refusing to report on retaliation against honest doctors, we’ve finally reached the point where CBS is inventing retaliation to fuel its stupid misinformation stories. How far we’ve come.
Cowardly CBS closed the comments on its story, or they’d have heard some spicy remarks from your author.