Talk about overkill.
The Far Left already dominates the entertainment industry, academia and Big Media.
So why is it setting up fake news operations to further its socialist ideology?
Axios reported that dozens of local news sites have been set up in advance of the crucial midterm elections to boost Democrats and smear Republicans.
They are getting much of their material from American Independent, a leftwing outfit founded by the same guy who founded the leftwing Media Matters.
The new operation is called Local Report.
The Democrat propaganda delivered by Local Report echoes the majority of what is in the media.
At least 51 such outlets have appeared in the last year across 10 battleground states, according to Axios. Florida is not one of them – yet.
However, Local Report Inc. was incorporated in Tallahassee. It was filed Aug. 9, 2021, by Elizabeth Osborn, 7512 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Suite 50-973, Orlando, FL 32819. Eye searched Google maps, which shows a café at that location.

Locally, there does not seem to be a Local Report outlet. But with a small, insignificant newspaper published on most days, five TV stations and at least one Web site firmly in the Democrat camp, there is little need for one.
Only Eye on Jacksonville reflects any conservative, traditional American views.
Eye does not claim to be objective, but the other local outlets do. However, it is often difficult to distinguish their “news stories” from editorials.
The most thorough and objective local reporting is done by the Daily Record, which publishes no opinion columns.
Most Americans have learned to be alert to slanted news stories and the blurring of fact with opinion. The never-accurate idea that “if it is in print it must be true” is long out of vogue and the idea that a TV newsreader is mouthing an unbiased account always has been dubious.