Liberals on the City Council are once again floating the very bad idea of a citizen review board for the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.
This is anti-police, anti-law and order and anti-justice.
It was introduced by Council Member Garrett Dennis and is supported by liberal organizations that want to weaken the police and protect criminals.
For the Fraternal Order of Police, it is a non-starter. This is their statement:
“The legislation introduced to council is not about transparency. Council Member Dennis is trying to bring emotions, agendas and politics to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO). The groups who are calling for this board are the same groups who call our members murderers even after a complete investigation, body worn camera videos and physical evidence clear the officer.
“This is who Council Member Dennis stands with and why he has introduced this legislation. First he tried to defund JSO now he is trying to use the officers who honorably serve our community as political pawns in his sick game.
“Any investigation JSO does, internal or criminal, is public record. We encourage the media and public to read them. People will see the officers who serve the citizens of Jacksonville do so at the highest levels of professionalism, in accordance with all applicable laws and if they don’t they are held accountable for their actions.
“We are opposed to this legislation.”
To date, the bill sponsored by Dennis has not gotten any support by any council committees. But those who support law and order should keep an eye on the bill.
It would create a 14-member board to meet monthly and review police actions.
In liberal cities such as New York and St. Petersburg such boards have been ineffective nuisances that merely stir up citizens against the police.
All police shootings and complaints about officers are fully investigated by the sheriff’s office and the results are public record, as are any cases filed by the State Attorney’s Office.
A citizen review board would be a waste of time and money and would not enhance public safety.
“This proposal is yet another attack on our police,” Council Member Rory Diamond said. “These boards sound good, but in reality they’ve been condemned by the left and the right as only creating controversy and undermining officer morale.”