Dear President Trump and Mr. Musk,
We know you are busy and please note I would not be writing had it not been for those who have requested my help on this serious matter. Let me start first by stating…my name is Billie Tucker Volpe and I was one of the founders of the Tea Party Movement and co-leader of the First Coast Tea Party in Jacksonville, Florida, one of the largest in the nation. The tea party’s mission was clear: to fight against government overreach, corruption, and cronyism that were bleeding hardworking Americans dry.
We marched on DC and our statehouses, we rallied locally, and we visited our Senators and Congressmen to discuss upcoming legislation. We also wrote letters, signed petitions and spent our own money because we were NOT funded by anyone or any non-profits.
One vivid moment during those days was when hundreds of thousands of us paid our own way to DC and pleaded with our Representatives to stop Obama care. We did so without any one being hurt and we even stood together as Nancy Pelosi smugly walked through the crowd wielding her oversized gavel and ignoring our pleas. She then gaveled in Obama care against the wishes of the American people and we made our way back to our homes – exhausted, broke and broken-hearted — but still willing to keep fighting for the sake of liberty.

We also fought against weak Republicans who lacked the backbone to stand up against “their friends on the other side of the aisle.” We believed we could make a difference and gave our time, our finances, and our resources, over and over again. We were ridiculed, called names, hunted down by the IRS and some were targeted physically. I personally had a bodyguard who went with me to tea party rallies and speeches. We did everything within our power to petition our government—yet they ignored us.
Many ask me “What happened to the Tea Party” and my answer is – we went back to work to regain our own financial footing when Donald Trump showed up and ran for President. Most in the tea party became MAGA followers and were thrilled to have a mighty warrior as their leader.
One of our biggest regrets during those tea party days is we knew something was wrong – something sinister and deeply corrupt — but we didn’t have the resources we needed to dig out the facts. It was our collective gut and red flags that kept us speaking out.
But now…President Trump has given us Elon Musk—someone with the ability to uncover, in real time, what we knew in our gut: Washington, D.C., was robbing us blind while Representatives, Senators and bureaucrats became millionaires.
Now, thanks to DOGE’s exposure of corruption and cronyism, we see that our instincts were right. The DOGE team has uncovered financial and moral discrepancies beyond comprehension and the theft is bigger than we could have ever imagined.
As you know, one of the most egregious betrayals is what has been done to Social Security and Medicare. Americans have worked their entire lives, paid into these programs and trusted the government to manage these funds. But now they are being shortchanged while bureaucrats live in luxury and illegals are given social security benefits for life!
The “legal Social Security recipients” are given pitiful annual increases, only to have Medicare wipe out any gains with rising premiums. This is just downright horrible and mean! Meanwhile, our tax dollars are funneled to foreign nations, corrupt organizations, and individuals who have not contributed to this country. No wonder Social Security is running out of OUR money!
So why am I writing this open letter? Because my gut is telling me — the tea may be brewing again. Many of those who participated in the tea party are now on social security and candidly – they have had enough! This is the moment they have waited for all these years…their guts were right and the truth is now setting them free!
So in the way we did things during those tea party days, I am sharing herewith some feelings those in the movement have shared with me.
We the People hereby petition our government and…
- Demand that every stolen dollar be accounted for and that those responsible face trial on national television.
- We want full transparency – we can take it!
- We want justice! We don’t care if the criminals have a D or an R next to their names — justice must be served because of the decades of betrayal we have endured! As the Dems so proudly proclaimed – “No one is above the law!”
- We want every penny clawed back from those who took it unjustly.
- We want our money back! We should not be expected to live on the crumbs thrown at us by our government. Stop taxing our social security and pay back to us what was stolen out of the Social Security fund. Had those dollars been there – our checks would be a lot higher than they are.
We will leave you with this image – such a beautiful short video taken off a building in DC on 9/12/2009. That was the day 1.5 million Americans organically showed up in DC on their own dime and with hand-made signs to petition our government. It was a beautiful day and the love felt by all in attendance is still a part of the memory banks of those who gathered together. It was a day we will all remember and cherish.
President Trump and Mr. Musk, we pray we don’t have to march on DC again because our knees are weaker and hip replacements are the norm. But if we have to…we shall gather the strength necessary – as our beloved President Trump did – and we will “fight, fight fight” because the truth has finally set us free thanks to DOGE!!