Former Sheriff Nat Glover Endorses Donna Deegan and Denounces Divisive Attack Ads from Davis’ campaign

In a surprising turn of events, former Democratic Sheriff Nat Glover of Jacksonville has broken his tradition of not endorsing political candidates to speak out against the attack ads targeting Donna Deegan, a candidate for Mayor. Glover’s endorsement and subsequent ad, funded by the Saving Our City PC, aim to unite the community and denounce the divisive tactics employed by Daniel Davis campaign and the local Republican Party.

In the video Glover emphatically states, “I do not endorse political candidates, but I must speak up when it comes to these attack ads against Donna Deegan designed to divide our community.”

This statement carries significant weight, considering Glover’s well-established reputation as a fair and respected law enforcement leader. By lending his support to Deegan, Glover hopes to rally the community against divisive tactics and emphasize the importance of unity.

Glover emphasized the need to rise above divisiveness and foster a sense of togetherness. He underscores the importance of police accountability, acknowledging that safe schools and neighborhoods are shared aspirations. Through his ad, Glover aims to dispel the false narrative that Deegan advocates for defunding the police, a claim made without any substantiation.

Glover’s decision to break his silence and publicly endorse Deegan stems from his firm belief that silence in the face of such attacks would risk a return to the divisive “us versus them” era. By actively participating in the political discourse and supporting Deegan, Glover hopes to encourage voters to consider the bigger picture and prioritize the values that unite the community.

The timing of Glover’s ad is strategic, as it coincides with the beginning of early voting. By releasing this statement, he aims to influence voters who may have been swayed by the barrage of fierce and negative attack ads previously aired against Deegan. Through his endorsement, Glover sends a powerful message to the electorate, urging them to remain vigilant against divisive tactics and make informed choices for the betterment of the community.

Nat Glover’s unexpected endorsement of Donna Deegan and his subsequent denouncement of the attack ads demonstrate his continued commitment to the principles of fairness, equality, and community engagement. As the first African American sheriff of Jacksonville, Glover has long been an advocate for improving relations between law enforcement and the community. His decision to endorse a political candidate underscores his dedication to ensuring a united city for all.

The impact of Glover’s endorsement and his powerful message against divisiveness will undoubtedly resonate with voters. He is a trusted and loved former sheriff and under his leadership, the JSO experienced a decline in crime rates and an increase in community involvement. He prioritized transparency and accountability, implementing measures to ensure officers were held to high ethical standards. Glover also worked to address issues such as racial profiling and advocated for fair and just policing practices.

Billie Tucker Volpe

Billie Tucker Volpe Founder of Eye on Jacksonville and Leadership Consultant to CEOs/Executives.


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