Amelia Island resident Ken Timmerman sent us information on his travels abroad. Ken is no newbie to traveling abroad. He was a journalist during many wars and his first Middle East reporting trip took him to Beirut in July 1982. He’s lived in Egypt and Lebanon, worked with freedom fighters in Iran and Iraq, and has been held hostage by Muslim terrorists in a war zone. Yet his latest travel experience has him shocked. Read his thoughts here and prepare yourself if you plan to travel abroad anytime soon.
First, kudos to our U.S. Representative, John Rutherford, who successfully tasked his staff to get an answer from the CDC to my questions about the ridiculous travel restrictions being imposed on Americans returning home from travel to Europe (and elsewhere), even if they have been vaccinated in the U.S. And carry CDC vaccination cards.
As I pointed out to John in my initial email, by imposing a Covid test requirement on Americans returning home, even if they had been vaccinated by the CDC, the CDC was essentially saying their vaccines didn’t work. Bravo!
They were also telling Americans, you can’t come home unless you fulfill this or that requirement having nothing to do with your citizenship. So much for our rights as citizens.
Imagine if we prohibited the repatriation of Americans soldiers wounded overseas because they did not pass a health exam? Or if we prohibited the repatriation of Americans from an Ebola-stricken area in Africa because of the risk they would spread the virus?
Die where you are! That is the message from the U.S. Government to U.S. Citizens. I guess it’s the same message they send to Americans unlucky enough to get taken hostage by totalitarian regimes in Iran or Communist China. So long, suckers!
Well here is the answer John’s staff got back from the CDC:
“CDC says these restrictions are a safety protocol due to the Delta variant and concern it could overwhelm our medical capabilities. They will remain in place until 31 Dec 2021, when they will readjust based on the Delta Variant spread and US medical capabilities. The vaccine apparently doesn’t prevent the spread of the Delta Variant. This is their best explanation at this time. “
Can you believe that?
Friends, they are just lying to us. Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and everyone else.
I am currently at our vacation home in the south of France, where I have 100 olive trees. Thankfully, kind neighbors harvested our olives in late October last year and gave us the oil, because we were not allowed to return to France because of the lockdown.
While the “health experts” who ruined our economies are talking about the so-called Delta variant of the China virus, no one here takes it seriously, including the government. They realize it’s about time to open the economy and that ordinary people are fed up – I mean, FED UP – with the Covid restrictions and don’t believe a word the so-called authorities speak any more.
(Here is a picture of the harbor at St. Tropez taken this evening just to show you how seriously French people take the mask and social distancing requirements…)

If anything positive has come out of this debacle, it may be that a younger generation has learned that government officials lie to the public with impunity, and will continue to lie until they are held accountable. I personally believe that Dr. Fauci and others – including Peter Daszak, the liar pants on fire who funnelled NIAID funds to the Wuhan lab to conduct “gain of function” research that by all accounts seemed to have produced the SARS-2-Covid pandemic – should be criminally prosecuted. For mass murder.
About: Kenneth R. Timmerman is the author of THE ELECTION HEIST (Post Hill Press, distributed by Simon and Schuster) and many other books.
THE ELECTION HEIST can be ordered from Amazon using this direct link: https://amzn.to/2VBuKvF
– National Security and Foreign Policy Advisory Board, Trump for President
– Republican nominee for Congress, Maryland District 8 (2012)
– President & CEO, Foundation for Democracy in Iran, www.iran.org
– Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2006