Once again, News4Jax is spouting left-wing propaganda.
This time it concerns teacher salaries. Previously it was attacks on the police.
How much teachers are paid is a favorite topic of the left, especially the rich, powerful teacher union bosses who raise tons of money for the Democrat Party.
Those contributions come from teacher paychecks. The more teachers earn, the more the unions can contribute to liberals who will vote to raise teacher salaries at every turn.
It is a cozy arrangement, and quite profitable for the unions.
News4Jax ran a “news story” about a new minimum wage law for teachers.
This is tricky, because it was Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis who proposed and led the effort.
To avoid any praise for a Republican governor, News4Jax looked at the numbers and determined that more than half the teachers in Florida got a raise.
Good news, right?
News4Jax decided the glass was half-empty. The focus on the story was the few who did not get a raise (because they already are making more money).
Pause for a moment.
None of this is news. It all rests on a myth the left has kept alive for decades: that higher pay for teachers results in better education for children.
There is not a shred of evidence to support that notion, and News4Jax produced none.
Naturally, they focused on salary and ignored the lucrative benefits and 180-day work year.
If teachers were not paid enough in some district, people would quit applying for the job. The local school board would then have to increase salaries to attract applicants.
In Jacksonville, years ago there were hundreds of applicants for every teacher job opening. We recently asked for the current number and were told by the school administration that they did not have the information.
Actually, DeSantis could stand some criticism for his proposal. Why is the state setting a minimum wage for teachers? It is a matter for local school boards.
But all News4Jax editors could see was that taxpayers were not being hit hard enough by the $500 million tab of the pay raise bill.