When a spirited debate is in order

Those who get nervous when all politicians are in agreement should be happy to see the conflict between the mayor and City Council.

The current flap is over how much the city will pay one of its garbage collectors.

Just a couple of years ago the city and Meridian Waste agreed to a contract that set forth how much the city would pay the company to collect trash in the Arlington area, where the city had experienced problems with the previous company. The contract contained a provision allowing for a rate review midway through the contract.

Sure enough, Meridian asked for a rate review and the city had a committee do the review. The committee recommended a 5 percent increase.

Meridian, however, thought its services were so good that it deserved a 29 percent increase, and its lobbyists went to work on council members. The council approved a 29 percent increase by a vote of 17-2. The difference is worth about $12 million.

But when it got to Mayor Donna Deegan’s desk, she did not agree and promptly vetoed the bill, 14-4.

Back it went to the council, and the council members insisted on having their own way, voting to override the mayor’s veto.

Councilman Matt Carlucci, who voted against the original bill and against overriding the veto, said he had no problem with Meridian, or even a 5 percent increase, but thought the 29 percent hike was a bit too much.

What happens next might be interesting. Deegan says she will not pay.

Council can approve an expenditure but there may be some legal question about whether the mayor is required to spend the money they have authorized her to spend.

While Deegan seems to be on the right side of this issue, it would be a mistake to cast her as Guardian of the Public Purse. She hasn’t been at all shy about spending as much as possible on making the city a Mecca for America’s bums by offering them homes and unlimited services but not, of course, employment, which most have no inclination to pursue anyway.

This issue, however resolved, will not end debate on the cost of garbage collection either. Some in the council want to increase the annual cost to homeowners for garbage pickup.

In short, the wrangling between the administration and the council is a good thing. When they are spending our money we don’t want to see them doing it quietly and in unison.

Lloyd Brown

Lloyd was born in Jacksonville. Graduated from the University of North Florida. He spent nearly 50 years of his life in the newspaper business …beginning as a copy boy and retiring as editorial page editor for Florida Times Union. He has also been published in a number of national newspapers and magazines, as well as Internet sites. Married with children. Military Vet. Retired. Man of few words but the words are researched well, deeply considered and thoughtfully written.


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